Clarification of White & Gold

Originally posted by jimbobGT:
Thanks Drew.

How about we decide on a color of gold first? We have way too many cheese-like colors around. Has anyone seen the Tech trolley? Its not gold, its friggin' yellow.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Don't even get me started on the Tech Trolley. Let's just say that a very small group of people decided on that color scheme.
Originally posted by ParkinJacket:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by jimbobGT:
Thanks Drew.

How about we decide on a color of gold first? We have way too many cheese-like colors around. Has anyone seen the Tech trolley? Its not gold, its friggin' yellow.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Don't even get me started on the Tech Trolley. Let's just say that a very small group of people decided on that color scheme.</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Was the AVP of Auxiliary Services one of the "small group" that made that decision? Just curious.
Originally posted by ParkinJacket:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by jimbobGT:
Thanks Drew.

How about we decide on a color of gold first? We have way too many cheese-like colors around. Has anyone seen the Tech trolley? Its not gold, its friggin' yellow.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Don't even get me started on the Tech Trolley. Let's just say that a very small group of people decided on that color scheme.</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Please, Please give me another reason to hate Roz will make my day
Originally posted by wreckless:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by ParkinJacket:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by jimbobGT:
Thanks Drew.

How about we decide on a color of gold first? We have way too many cheese-like colors around. Has anyone seen the Tech trolley? Its not gold, its friggin' yellow.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Don't even get me started on the Tech Trolley. Let's just say that a very small group of people decided on that color scheme.</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Was the AVP of Auxiliary Services one of the "small group" that made that decision? Just curious.</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Considering my current position, I should allow those individuals, whomever they may be, remain anonymous.

Disclaimer: My opinion is mine alone. I do not speak for my employer, whomever that may be.
Originally posted by wreckless:
Originally posted by ylojk8:

Your second analogy....."See through problems" in SWIMMING ATTIRE ??????DID I READ THAT CORECTLY ?

again, I ask : are you serious ???????

Yes, he's serious. But the point is moot. Competition swimwear is not available in anything but dark colors for the very reason he cited.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">exactly wreckless .. so should we drop our swimming and diving program because competition swimwear is not available in white and gold?

i am serious gold rush .. i'm not asking you to change your name to blue rush .. but we do need a dark color and not just as an accent.
I admire a man who will stand for his convictions in this day. To go a little more on this topic, I would like to see OLD GOLD used more instead of some of the concocted colors that are to look like gold. Orange, yellow, etc.
Now, for the ones who don't give a rip about the colors, then I surely hope you don't have the opportunity to mess with the US Flag.
I did not attend Tech, and the did not know a Drew Hearn existed until I saw the article about your rejection to speak at the banquet.

Drew, I became a fan of Tech football in the mid 40s. I do remember Tech wearing other colors from time to time, but, as far as I am concerned, Tech has always been known as the team of white and gold.

I saw a post above stating the vote would probably be 50/50 for the two major colors considered. I really don't believe that for a moment. I believe those of my generation would vote almost 100% for white and gold.

I believe the newer generation would vote overwhelmingly for white and gold. I believe white and gold would win hands down with little opposition.

I could care less if a coach states he cannot recruit unless he has a certain color of uniform. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

I, too, believe it should remain white and gold according to the most prominent history. If anyone wanted to change it from the white and gold to another color, it should be done in accordance with Tech family, both past and present.

It would probably be in order to allow contributors to have a vote as well. I really don't think it would change the vote for contributors to have a vote. It would probably be the same percentage as the Tech alumni.

Of course, we all understand if I wanted to come to a game in Red and Black, that would be my prerogative and no one could stop me, however, that does not seem to be the issue here. It appears the issue is the colors worn by the team.

By the way, Drew, you appear to be a very opinionated person. I can't understand that since I am not very opinionated myself!

Father Time
I'm with you Mr. Hearn!! I want old gold and white and to hell with Braineless and his henchmen who are not even Techmen (ladies included). 1st lets get rid of Braine and then we can take it from there. The Golden Tornados rule.

Originally posted by Drew Hearn:


<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">You can't vote because this is not a democracy!!! Do fans get to vote on coaches, season ticket prices, program covers, radio stations? NO!! Why? We pay damn good money (really good from what I saw in a recent post) for supposed professionals to make those decisions for us at the AA. If you really want to make a change you can do us all a favor and deposit $1.2 million in Dave Braine's bank account and the next AD can dress us in white and gold polka dots for all I care.
Drew, thanks so very much for caring to post here under your name. I hope you will stay here in the future and join in our repartee!!! You may want to adopt a "nom de plume" so every Tom, Dick and Harold won't see your name plastered on here....

I agree with you that the basic colors should be White and Old Gold. And that is OLD Gold, not the aberrations that appear on game day, Jeez even the freakin official Ga Tech Marching Band has on YELLOW uni's, not gold at all. Very sad.

Mr. Hearn, with all due respect the blue trim color is not that big a deal, in fact we need navy blue or black numerals, stripes, etc. to make the uni's readable. This doesn't detract from honor of the "White and Gold".

In closing, I'd love to buy you a whiskey clear someday (or the beverage of your choice) and swap "tales of yore" someday. Please visit us again.
As a fellow Georgia Tech alumni, fan, contributor and various other connections I thank you for your support of Georgia Tech.....BUT...Blue Jerseys look great and sure as hades look better than that sickly pale yellow jersey. Fact is, you can't make a good looking Gold Jersey. You can't do it! Show me one. Anywhere! There are some facts you have to accept. Gold doesn't translate well into a Jersey just like some other colors for example Silver. You can't wear White Jersey's at all your games. NCAA won't let you and by the way EVERYONE USES WHITE. EVERYONE!!!! Soooo you can't use white when opposing teams use white which the NCAA requires to be done on the road if White is one of your jersey colors. Blue is the closest thing Tech has to a 3rd color and it happens to look great. It's WAY PAST TIME we move on. You simply can't change the facts of good taste. There's a reason green and pink aren't anyone's uniform colors and there's a reason almost no one uses Gold, Chedder Cheese, Mustard Yellow, or Urine yellow as jersey colors and we shouldn't either. IF YOU CAN'T FIND A DECENT LOOKING GOLD JERSEY, WHAT DO YOU DO???????????????????????????????? PLEASE ANSWER THAT QUESTION, ANYONE?????!!!!!
Ramblin Buzz, what a wonderfully different program we would have, if only all of us could be as "embarrassing" as Mr. Hearn! THWG
Two words as to why UNC sells $5,000,000 a year in apparel and it ain't "Carolina Blue", it's "Michael Jordan". Until we have a player of his talent and marketability in our program, I don't see our colors alone increasing sales of GT merchandise.
That being said, I prefer Old Gold and White as our school colors, but if you want to have a khaki hat or whatever, be my guest. As long as it, along with all of the other colors of the spectrum, aren't the official colors of Tech, I'll be OK with it.
I read beeserk post over on the Hive, and have to agree with his perspective and would like to add a little of mine.

Mr. Hearn was following through the AT board, the alumni association, focus groups etc. and all agreed to focus on the "official school colors". Lo and behold a group of 7 who never attended a class made blue an "official school color". Let's change the words to Ramblin Wreck to make them politically correct, paint the Wreck in blue, and go with blue helmets. My God it is just a bunch of kids running around on Saturday with pieces of plastic on their heads playing a game. None of it is important. Total BS!!! Hearn comes to the front line and takes the best shots from most of you, and you simply trivialize the situation. You are right, the color isn't important for our school, our flag or any of our traditions that make us what we are. We allow people to come into our house, steal us blind, blatantly lie about it, and accept it because it looks good. I love Georgia Tech and what it has stood for, and it truly makes me sick about the things that have happened under the Braine regime. This is just a small part of the big picture, but it is indicative of the deceit that has gone on and we just are supposed to trust them because they make tons of money. Roy Barnes didn't think the flag issue was a big deal either. Time and effort will prevail and hopefully, all of you will understand and see the situation for what it is.

And about the white bathing god, we put men on the moon, and we can't make a white bathing suit that you can't see through. I have seen plenty of white and gold bathing suits that I wish I could see through, and most of you loved the wet soccer uniforms last week. So that one doesn't fly with me.

As Bo Jackson stated, "If they played football on Sunday in Alabama, they would not have church" All of it is important from the colors, smells, sights, and sounds.
There was a symbiotic relationship between athletics and academics fostered over one hundred years ago as a young officer named Leonard Wood kicked UGA's ass for the first time. If we are not careful and don't fight for what we believe, all that will be left are the memories of Heisman, Alexander, Dodd, and Ross.

All of these little nothings add up to a really big something.
Originally posted by General Wood:
I read beeserk post over on the Hive, and have to agree with his perspective and would like to add a little of mine.

Mr. Hearn was following through the AT board, the alumni association, focus groups etc. and all agreed to focus on the "official school colors". Lo and behold a group of 7 who never attended a class made blue an "official school color". Let's change the words to Ramblin Wreck to make them politically correct, paint the Wreck in blue, and go with blue helmets. My God it is just a bunch of kids running around on Saturday with pieces of plastic on their heads playing a game. None of it is important. Total BS!!! Hearn comes to the front line and takes the best shots from most of you, and you simply trivialize the situation. You are right, the color isn't important for our school, our flag or any of our traditions that make us what we are. We allow people to come into our house, steal us blind, blatantly lie about it, and accept it because it looks good. I love Georgia Tech and what it has stood for, and it truly makes me sick about the things that have happened under the Braine regime. This is just a small part of the big picture, but it is indicative of the deceit that has gone on and we just are supposed to trust them because they make tons of money. Roy Barnes didn't think the flag issue was a big deal either. Time and effort will prevail and hopefully, all of you will understand and see the situation for what it is.

And about the white bathing god, we put men on the moon, and we can't make a white bathing suit that you can't see through. I have seen plenty of white and gold bathing suits that I wish I could see through, and most of you loved the wet soccer uniforms last week. So that one doesn't fly with me.

As Bo Jackson stated, "If they played football on Sunday in Alabama, they would not have church" All of it is important from the colors, smells, sights, and sounds.
There was a symbiotic relationship between athletics and academics fostered over one hundred years ago as a young officer named Leonard Wood kicked UGA's ass for the first time. If we are not careful and don't fight for what we believe, all that will be left are the memories of Heisman, Alexander, Dodd, and Ross.

All of these little nothings add up to a really big something.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Aye Aye General.. You Da Man !!
Originally posted by General Wood:

And about the white bathing god, we put men on the moon, and we can't make a white bathing suit that you can't see through. I have seen plenty of white and gold bathing suits that I wish I could see through, and most of you loved the wet soccer uniforms last week. So that one doesn't fly with me.

You tell 'em Gen ! I'm with you on this one !
Curry made them wear black for the intimidation factor!!!??? I guess Furman forgot to notice. I think the point about how the TRIM color, and that is what we are really talking about, was chosen has validity. But what has more validity to me is that ALL our teams should have the same trim color. I HATED it when Curry had the black, and then Cremins would have them in blue. We had no consistency. Any wonder merchandising suffered? As far as that goes, we have the best logo in ALL of college sports and it is not capitalized on. I am thankful someone finally had the guts, vision or whatever to say this is the trim color we will use and go with it. I wish it had been black but blue will do, because it is only a TRIM color. Now can we focus on trying to knock hell out of someone?
LOL .. we have put man on the moon but we can't find saddam's weapons of mass destruction, can't come up with a lasting solution for world peace, can't eradicate poverty and hunger ..

but people here want to invent white swimsuits which won't be see through when they get wet so that tech can conform to it's official colors.

Gold Rush, first it doesn't really matter if it flies with you or not, the fact is it's true about white swim suits, that's why you can't get competitive suits in white.

As far as colors I agree that white and gold are our colors, but don't have a problem with blue. As for UNC and their sales, let me mention that you can get a UNC hat in virtually any color. They are all over the damn place up here. Yes, puke blue is identified with UNC, but they sell because they're UNC not the color.

For those who don't think it has an effect on recruiting I can only surmize you don't spend much time around teenagers. There are colors that they don't wear and colors they think are cool. With all the complaining we have about recruiting around here you'd think we would want to give the coaches every advantage we can. I don't think blue accents or even blue jerseys ON OCCASION hurt the institute. If it was good enough for Dodd, it's good enough for me.

On the vote, I assume the majority vote would depend on how the question was phrased, just like any poll. If we could find a way to fully explain the positions to the alumni and students, fine. But neither side of the issue will accept the format the other proposed.
Here's a good one: When NC State built their new Coliseum (along with the Carolina Hurricane in Hockey), the "Seat Contractor" delivered 20,000 seats and started installing them in the new stadium. The problem was the seats were Red/Red instead of Red. So what was the solution to the problem? The school's solution and the only solution was, the seats were the wrong shade of Red and the contractor had to return the seats, order new ones, and install at the contractor's cost. Point being, colors do matter to most schools for a reason- Pride, etc. It may seem trivial but it's just an attitude that starts at the top and does filter down. I agree with Gen. Wood-the little things do add up.