I read beeserk post over on the Hive, and have to agree with his perspective and would like to add a little of mine.
Mr. Hearn was following through the AT board, the alumni association, focus groups etc. and all agreed to focus on the "official school colors". Lo and behold a group of 7 who never attended a class made blue an "official school color". Let's change the words to Ramblin Wreck to make them politically correct, paint the Wreck in blue, and go with blue helmets. My God it is just a bunch of kids running around on Saturday with pieces of plastic on their heads playing a game. None of it is important. Total BS!!! Hearn comes to the front line and takes the best shots from most of you, and you simply trivialize the situation. You are right, the color isn't important for our school, our flag or any of our traditions that make us what we are. We allow people to come into our house, steal us blind, blatantly lie about it, and accept it because it looks good. I love Georgia Tech and what it has stood for, and it truly makes me sick about the things that have happened under the Braine regime. This is just a small part of the big picture, but it is indicative of the deceit that has gone on and we just are supposed to trust them because they make tons of money. Roy Barnes didn't think the flag issue was a big deal either. Time and effort will prevail and hopefully, all of you will understand and see the situation for what it is.
And about the white bathing suits....my god, we put men on the moon, and we can't make a white bathing suit that you can't see through. I have seen plenty of white and gold bathing suits that I wish I could see through, and most of you loved the wet soccer uniforms last week. So that one doesn't fly with me.
As Bo Jackson stated, "If they played football on Sunday in Alabama, they would not have church" All of it is important from the colors, smells, sights, and sounds.
There was a symbiotic relationship between athletics and academics fostered over one hundred years ago as a young officer named Leonard Wood kicked UGA's ass for the first time. If we are not careful and don't fight for what we believe, all that will be left are the memories of Heisman, Alexander, Dodd, and Ross.
All of these little nothings add up to a really big something.