Coaching Question for the Board...

From the Society of Actuaries:

"Suicide rate: In 1995, suicide accounted for 11 deaths per 100,000 people. That will rise to 13 or higher by 2010, said 42 percent, and 53 percent said it would rise to 13 or higher by 2050. While there can be no "cure" for suicide, wider use of psychoactive drugs might help reduce one of its causes, depression. However, if science can’t combat the disabilities of old age (even while reducing mortality) suicide may seem the only alternative. Respondents may have felt suicide would become more accepted as other causes of death are reduced or eliminated."

Of course actuaries rely upon facts and statistics, and can hardly be credited with the insights that come from a snootful of diesel exhaust out on the highway.

It's a very complicated subject, stateline.
Originally posted by bellyseries:
From the Society of Actuaries:

"Suicide rate: In 1995, suicide accounted for 11 deaths per 100,000 people. That will rise to 13 or higher by 2010, said 42 percent, and 53 percent said it would rise to 13 or higher by 2050. While there can be no "cure" for suicide, wider use of psychoactive drugs might help reduce one of its causes, depression. However, if science can’t combat the disabilities of old age (even while reducing mortality) suicide may seem the only alternative. Respondents may have felt suicide would become more accepted as other causes of death are reduced or eliminated."

Of course actuaries rely upon facts and statistics, and can hardly be credited with the insights that come from a snootful of diesel exhaust out on the highway.

It's a very complicated subject, stateline.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Society of the who? Just reading that can be a downer! P.S. You learn to stay aware of the diesels so that you can enjoy the more pleasant fragrances that nature has to offer.
Actually, the answer is relatively easy for me to see.

Suicide is a feeling of hopelessness. The best answer to hopelessness is hope.

The best answer to hope is to have something within yourself that seems attainable and brings hope. The best hope for mankind is turning toward God and placing their hope in him.

The further man is away from God and hope, the more hopelessness there will be and the more suicides you will see.

Do I have facts for this? I have not looked this up, so, no I don't, but I suspect it has a lot of bearing on the matter.

However, that does not mean facts do not exist to back this up.
