Coaching Question for the Board...

MsTA is the first one to jump up and down when a personal attack is made

"personal attacks have got to stop"

but personal attacks against the coaching staff or against "FOCers" are not included.

those can be carried on with glee. i remember how amused she was when BigBuck came up with anal humor about our current coach.

i have never seen her take a stand against one of the BITCHers. why would that be? oh she is one herself.
What does being a lady have to do with a post. There is no lady, man, black, white, football player, non-football player, Asian, Indian, young, old or middle aged poster on this board.

All posts contain content of message. Each message stands on its own. Each message will be backed or repudiated by its merit, not by who posts it.

Ask a Georgia, Notre Dame, Ohio State, Texas, Miami, FSU, Nebraska, Michigan, Penn State, etc. fan if it is a privilege to have their coach go coach at Tech. They will tell you no, it is a privilege to coach at their school.

Just because your bias is that it is a privilege to coach at GT does not make it a truth. It might be a privilege for you, but not necessarily for another person.

Since I am a fan of GT, I had rather coach at GT rather than any other school, but that is only me, it does not make it a universal truth that it is a privilege to coach at Tech.

These coaches are just that, coaches. Many go where the opportunity lies. Of course, they would not go to a given school if they did not respect the school or feel comfortable there.

So, your anologies do not make your statements true. In my opinion, his contract, a 7-6 record, a change in staff, new influx of players, and the natural order of things merits another year.

Sorry, we will never agree.

Ahso: I expect alums and fans Texas, Michigan, Georgia and all others to regard their schools head coaching position as the most privledged to have. It would be very delusional to believe otherwise. That said, anyone willing to discuss Gailey's performance last year as head coach or wants to use it justify another year or more has to be willing to look beyond the 7-6 record. Same for anyone who wants to see Gailey dismissed. They have to look beyond the obvious when making their points also. 51-7 in itself is not enough of an argument.
Like I said earlier Stateline, if you want to judge everything by one game, then you have to use the same criteria when O'Leary lost 49-3 to FSU.

Originally posted by ahsoisee:
Like I said earlier Stateline, if you want to judge everything by one game, then you have to use the same criteria when O'Leary lost 49-3 to FSU.

<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">No argument here. Except why bring O'leary into it. Before you know it you are going to be the next "Beat the Dead Horse" award winner.
Originally posted by ahsoisee:
Statelinejacket, yes Gailey earned the right to have this year as a chance to succeed. The first reason is his contract which calls for three years.

The second reason is the record. A record of 7-6 in your first year merits you the right for a second year.

It really is not a privilege. He and Tech have a legal binding contract.

<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Contract or not, to be chosen as the Head Coach of the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets is a privledge. Contracts are bought out everyday. I in no way intended to bring last year into this discussion but since you have brought it up I want to say this: The 7-6 record by Tech last year is one of the most misleading records I can recall in college football. Let me liken it to a pitcher who finishes with a 7-6 record but with a ERA over 6.00. Struggled all year with just a couple of glimpes that show he might know how to pitch. Now how good does that 7-6 record look? Also say he was 7-4
going into a crucial game very late in the year and just gets hammered! Blown out in the first inning. Then to top it off he has one last chance at redemption by pitching his team into the playoffs against a team that is starting nothing but September call ups. And is terrible! Now how does that 7-6 record look? Not too good. In my way of looking at this and I believe the powers to be are looking in a similar way...(boy I can see the shots coming now)...last years 7-6 bought Gailey nothing. The changes he made on the coaching staff and to a lesser extent the success of the recruiting in Florida is why Gailey is still our coach. Giving Gailey the benefit of doubt on the academic failures has helped also to no small extent. I know you and others won't do this but you have to forget about 7-6. I am quite sure Gailey has. And I would lay odds (just ask Rick Neuhisuel what they should be) Gailey if ask would say coaching Tech football is a privledge, if he has not already.
Originally posted by ylojk8:
MsTA is the first one to jump up and down when a personal attack is made

"personal attacks have got to stop"

but personal attacks against the coaching staff or against "FOCers" are not included.

those can be carried on with glee. i remember how amused she was when BigBuck came up with anal humor about our current coach.

i have never seen her take a stand against one of the BITCHers. why would that be? oh she is one herself.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I don't know what you think 'attack' is - me giving my opinions on Chan's coaching is negative because I saw how the season played out and didn't like it. Chan Gailey is a coach at GT - he's paid to coach and in the spotlight at a major Div.1 school.

I think we all critique the coaches good, bad or indifferent. Because my critique is not complimentary of his ability and end results,is not an attack it's a synopsis of what "I" saw. Had it been better my critique would have been more positive.
Originally posted by MsTechAnalysis:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Originally posted by ylojk8:
MsTA is the first one to jump up and down when a personal attack is made

"personal attacks have got to stop"

but personal attacks against the coaching staff or against "FOCers" are not included.

those can be carried on with glee. i remember how amused she was when BigBuck came up with anal humor about our current coach.

i have never seen her take a stand against one of the BITCHers. why would that be? oh she is one herself.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I don't know what you think 'attack' is - me giving my opinions on Chan's coaching is negative because I saw how the season played out and didn't like it. Chan Gailey is a coach at GT - he's paid to coach and in the spotlight at a major Div.1 school.

I think we all critique the coaches good, bad or indifferent. Because my critique is not complimentary of his ability and end results,is not an attack it's a synopsis of what "I" saw. Had it been better my critique would have been more positive.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Yeah, your hindsight 20/20 analysis is very forseeing isn't it?
There are those who say: "WE do not attack, we simply give off personal (negative) opinions".
Many years ago, I read a report from a Fortune 500 company who said, "We dispensed with the term": 'Constructive Criticism. And no longer accept such. We realized there is no such thing.
"It caused downturn in worker productivity, it wrecked morale (almost) overnight, it immediately caused division in all our work-force in the sense that it immediately plotted one side against another". Thus we no longer tolerate the term. "There is no such thing as constructive criticism: All criticism is Destructive". I have read that there are those who have personally never disliked a coach at Tech, they like Tech but do not like the coach". CRAP ON YOU!!!!
By "personally", is it to be understood that said persons have been "personally met with", talked to and eyeball to eyeball KNOWN"????? Or are the readers to understand that the statement meant: "I did not like the side on which his hair was parted on" or "I hated what looked like a smirk on his face" or "He miss-prounced, 'Miphibosheth', or "he seemed uppity to me', or "he did not smile in the right way at the right time", or " he did not appear tough enough to be a TEch Head Coach, or "he was just not my choice, so I knew immediately 'knew'he was not right for Tech?"??? Time out!!!!! Shut Up!!! No joke:!!! Shut UP!! Hey, you are doing more damage than good, so for God's sake and the sake of those who REALLY love Tech, SHUT UP!! Any decent, fair-minded, football loving, person of any hint to the reality of what College Football is about....will SHUT UP!!! There is a time too speak and a time to be silent. If you really love this institution (that is, unless you a transplant, relative new-comer to Tech, and Southern Football, YOU WILL JUST SHUT UP!!!!) There is abosolutely no room for the negativity toward TEch that has been shown in these recent weeks.Either you do not know football or you do not know Southern Football!! Get in the flow!, Please!! Or at least be quiet for awhile: we have some football games to play!!!
I have to call BS on you techsamillion. Give me a major break. Have you tried Prozac?

Go Jackets!
Originally posted by ahsoisee:
MsTA, Your Question:

Who are the posters that dislike him as a person? Do you know them - where are your facts???????????????????????????????????????????
Where are the posts that say that? There are none! You need to stop spinning. This IS ALL ABOUT COACHING AND NEVER HAS BEEN ANYTHING ELSE!

Now I will post some of your previous posts. I admit you did not say the word person, but you did make some strong statements.


"Lewis and Chan were not MY TWO!!"

"Thank God people like you aren't in charge - we'd always have CHANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"It makes no difference to me if you like him; it makes more of a difference to me that I DON'T!"

"I had many reservations about him before he coached."

"I was the one who said I didn't like the hire before he coached a down ... I thought GT could do better and I had my reasons"

"Tech: I would have NO PROBLEM DOING THIS. I've tried to get an appointment in the recent past, I was told to go to the Associate AD - that's not who I wanted to talk to or express my opinions to. I got the run around and I was only (1) person. I would welcome it and going in MASS!!" (Oops, I should not have included this qoute in this list/ahsoisee.)

"I would have called for my priest to the rescue
I don't expect now or in the future that we would EVER agree on Chan Gailey!" (Oops, I should not have included this one either/ahsoisee.)

"I am not a fan of this coach and I wasn't when he was hired."

"Admit your mistake and remember those it has affected and make it right now! Don't wait to see what he can do ... we've seen and enough of that already."

Father Time
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Your post had to do with 'the person' vernacular not the coach. I answered as such. I never said I didn't like the 'person' but his coaching abilities is suspect in my mind for all the reasons "I" see, believe and disect. Quoting me here has nothing to do with the personal side of this man - it was all about his coaching abilities at this school.

Now if you had said there are posters here who don't like his coaching abilities I would agree with all your quotes from me. Anytime we hire someone here or anywhere where I am a supporter - I'm either going to be happy with the hire or going to feel something else. In this case I felt the something else.

I've never personally disliked any coach at GT but I have disliked them as GT coaches.
Originally posted by BeeBad:
Bore can pound a very nice lady... and you say nothing to him, but you ride me, GTT.. explain that.. Like I said to you in chat, long as someone agrees with a person's perspective, everyone is cool with that individual.. if there is someone you disagree with, then there's a prob... right? I've never seen you criticize any FOCers even when they straddle the line... or go over it...
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">BB: I appreciate the 'nice lady' comment! I'm disappointed that there is a poster here who feels he has to go to extremes and name call and try to intimidate - needless-to-say, intimidation is not something that's been accomplished - I have never been one to EVER feel that from anyone. What has been accomplished is a point of view - that's all!!! Just like the rest of us.

I refuse to be a name caller in regards to another poster - not my style and never will be. I will disagree and debate and will state what I know, believe and feel - like everyone else, it's that easy.
Yes, I have Jerry; a bigger question, however is: Have You???? As one educated in the field of various medications and help for those who are who are emotionally/mentally disturbed: Prozac is not your biggest need; there are other drugs that more fitingly correspond with your apparent mental and emotional problems. Should you desire, I can be of help to you along these lines.And, by the way, are you, YOURSELF, absolutely stable? Trust me, from a professional, you give very little evidence. If you are 10 yrs old , I would say you are about average; otherwise, there is question,and certain ramifications that demand (for society's sake) a full examination. At the very least a visit to your local mental health clinic would not be out of order. Apparently you know about as much about psychotic drugs as you do about football, and life. The drug prozac is a mystery to you(do you even have the remotest idea as to its pharmcology?? Do you have even a small clue as to its ramifications and indications? Do you know its purpose and rate of normal effectiveness?? What it is supposed to do and how long it normally requires to see even the remotest of improvement corresponding to why it is suppsedly needed? I am certain you do not, even am as I am sure that you have no knowledge of the various other drugs meant to help those who truly suffer from mental/emotional disorders. You simply saw a word or a phrase uttered by another and thought it was cute to use, when actually you dwelled and continue to live in ignornace about the ramifications of such drugs and also the need of same. You and others throw around the most popular "names of the latest prescription drugs" as though they were only a step above M and M's. Listen to this: I dare you!!!! Tell this board 5 things you know about prozac or any other drug that has to do with mental/emotional disorders without having to "look it up". You cannot, because to you, it is a word only, it encumbers a cute phrase (you stumbled across) meant to throw negative/humorous feelings towards another. Whether you know it or not you place yourself in jeopardy by flinging around such accusations. Ask Lawbee.
So, to you and all your ilk who use "cute phrases or words you have simply read, and know little to nothing about: SHUT UP!!! Or get educated. I am well familiar with your type, and I have seen many such as you bring up this and other drug's names and in doing so display your limited knowledge of life, medications, emotional disorders, and (yes, your stupidity) especially regarding prescription medications. In your limited knowledge, which is so apparent,it would be better for you to study a bit, dear friend. I have no doubt that you are not a GT grad, and most likely not even have you matriculated through H.S.(unless by social promotion). Certainly not beyond. Education is found all over the internet, not just on Stingtalk; give it a try. More than one time you have demonstrated your ignorance in various areas. By the way, you have chosen a very adequate avatar/pictorial evidence of your persona.It appears about as dumb and ignorant as you do. Keep it up and the whole world will have indication as to our I.Q.... Want to talk privately,instead of dragging this out in public? Snide remarks such as yours are cheap on a board where you can hide. Hey, you sorry sack of manure, do you have the guts/courage/intestinal fortitude/maturity to talk one on one? Or do you like many OTHER malcontents AND IGNORAMUSES, choose only public observation of your idiodic conclusions? I give you sound Advice: Always watch your back!!!!!!!
There is your major break!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, Jerry, I note that you are # 483...a relative newcomer: I would suggest that you wait around and scan the scene before you call/accuse anyone of BS.
Where you been since #66, Rookie?
As a long standing member of this board I totally endorse techsamillion's meltdown! Nice job, dude. I don't subscribe to the 'rational TECHFAN' theory personally. We're counting on ya come fall. (now how soon is that? 6 weeks? Oh my!) It's time to bring the pain people!!! GT's in the house!!!!!!
GT'S IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU techsamillion. It was time for that to be said and you did it very good. I can't wait to see who's toes you stepped on.
At this point in time, aren't the terms rational and Tech fan mutually exclusive?

Heh Heh!
