Yes, I have Jerry; a bigger question, however is: Have You???? As one educated in the field of various medications and help for those who are who are emotionally/mentally disturbed: Prozac is not your biggest need; there are other drugs that more fitingly correspond with your apparent mental and emotional problems. Should you desire, I can be of help to you along these lines.And, by the way, are you, YOURSELF, absolutely stable? Trust me, from a professional, you give very little evidence. If you are 10 yrs old , I would say you are about average; otherwise, there is question,and certain ramifications that demand (for society's sake) a full examination. At the very least a visit to your local mental health clinic would not be out of order. Apparently you know about as much about psychotic drugs as you do about football, and life. The drug prozac is a mystery to you(do you even have the remotest idea as to its pharmcology?? Do you have even a small clue as to its ramifications and indications? Do you know its purpose and rate of normal effectiveness?? What it is supposed to do and how long it normally requires to see even the remotest of improvement corresponding to why it is suppsedly needed? I am certain you do not, even am as I am sure that you have no knowledge of the various other drugs meant to help those who truly suffer from mental/emotional disorders. You simply saw a word or a phrase uttered by another and thought it was cute to use, when actually you dwelled and continue to live in ignornace about the ramifications of such drugs and also the need of same. You and others throw around the most popular "names of the latest prescription drugs" as though they were only a step above M and M's. Listen to this: I dare you!!!! Tell this board 5 things you know about prozac or any other drug that has to do with mental/emotional disorders without having to "look it up". You cannot, because to you, it is a word only, it encumbers a cute phrase (you stumbled across) meant to throw negative/humorous feelings towards another. Whether you know it or not you place yourself in jeopardy by flinging around such accusations. Ask Lawbee.
So, to you and all your ilk who use "cute phrases or words you have simply read, and know little to nothing about: SHUT UP!!! Or get educated. I am well familiar with your type, and I have seen many such as you bring up this and other drug's names and in doing so display your limited knowledge of life, medications, emotional disorders, and (yes, your stupidity) especially regarding prescription medications. In your limited knowledge, which is so apparent,it would be better for you to study a bit, dear friend. I have no doubt that you are not a GT grad, and most likely not even have you matriculated through H.S.(unless by social promotion). Certainly not beyond. Education is found all over the internet, not just on Stingtalk; give it a try. More than one time you have demonstrated your ignorance in various areas. By the way, you have chosen a very adequate avatar/pictorial evidence of your persona.It appears about as dumb and ignorant as you do. Keep it up and the whole world will have indication as to our I.Q.... Want to talk privately,instead of dragging this out in public? Snide remarks such as yours are cheap on a board where you can hide. Hey, you sorry sack of manure, do you have the guts/courage/intestinal fortitude/maturity to talk one on one? Or do you like many OTHER malcontents AND IGNORAMUSES, choose only public observation of your idiodic conclusions? I give you sound Advice: Always watch your back!!!!!!!
There is your major break!!!!!!!!!!