

He's got a secret ...

Shit's about to go off.

Mark it down.


Then your light will break forth like the dawn,
and your healing will quickly appear;
then your righteousnessa will go before you,
and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.
On the thread of coaching - would it kill CPJ and the rest of our staff to lighten up a little bit on the sideline? Not asking us to be a Dabo-esque cheerleader type program. But it'd refreshing to see the occasional "atta-boy!" when our guys come back to the sideline from making a big play, for example.

The one time that sticks out in my mind was CPJ giving JT5 a fist bump after the GW TD pass to Deon Hill vs GaSo 2 years ago.

Am I asking too much? I recognize that I can't ask a guy to change who he is. Just a little bit of positivity to encourage our guys.

Agree. People are motivated or deflated often times by the same thing. Millenials, as I understand, are hypersensitive. I can't imagine busting tail all the time is instilling confidence. It's what I see as a major flaw in our team is confidence. Confidence coming from an (former) infantry platoon leader is everything when going to war. Even the army brings you back up after they tear ya down. I think this aspect is missing, and its one of the only things that pisses me off about our staff. Could be perception not reality though, I'm obviously not there.
I like CPJ I'm just over this offense. I know many of you think it's the only chance we have of being successful. It's not.

See, this is weird to me.

If you forced me to choose between EITHER Paul Johnson OR PJ's offense, I'd choose the latter. Give me Dabo or some equal cheeseball at HC and Navy Ken at OC and I'd be in heaven.

I do kinda like CPJ's demeanor. But the offense is the fun part to me.
In fairness, Calvin wasn't really a Gailey recruit. He was a Tech recruit. Gailey just managed to not chase him off.

Would the TO have chased off Calvin? Maybe, maybe not. It didn't chase off Waller, Hill, or Smelter.

Smelter was attracted to us due to our baseball program.
I've seen CPJ encourage players on the sideline plenty of times. Just this week he was congratulating Rodwell after one of his punts.

He's spoken before about how one of the challenges of being a coach is learning how to motivate different kids, some of whom need reprimand, others of whom need encouragement, and some in between.
Bottom line though - Smelter wasn't signed to play football nor did he decide to come to GT to play football in the CPJ offense.