Colors for the Week


Man, I must’ve repressed those ugly numbers. Or maybe the team was so good that I didn’t think about the uniform much.

Man, I must’ve repressed those ugly numbers. Or maybe the team was so good that I didn’t think about the uniform much.

Or everyone was too afraid of GOL to mention it .
You are welcome to stop by my office and I can show you tuft samples where the yarn was extruded using the exact same color and the exact same machine using a different yarn cross section. They look like entirely different colors, despite it being the exact same color batch. We even have some "metallics" where the cross section gives a metallic sheen.
Why am I not surprised you work in a sweatshop
Why am I not surprised you work in a sweatshop
I work in manufacturing. Doesn't matter if I'm making yarn, cars, widgets, or pizza cutters, my job is to get raw materials to the facility, get production through the facility as efficiently as possible and deliver what the customer has ordered on time and in full.

I do run across the snobby/lazy kind, like you, who really don't understand the concept of hard work
I work in manufacturing. Doesn't matter if I'm making yarn, cars, widgets, or pizza cutters, my job is to get raw materials to the facility, get production through the facility as efficiently as possible and deliver what the customer has ordered on time and in full.

I do run across the snobby/lazy kind, like you, who really don't understand the concept of hard work

Ok, string boy.
Man, I must’ve repressed those ugly numbers. Or maybe the team was so good that I didn’t think about the uniform much.


That’s interesting, I don’t remember these either, I always associated the godsey teams with the little slanted numbers. I remember not caring for the font, but definitely better than the comically oversized white numbers… like you, I must’ve blocked it out.

The hats and the shirts are the same color. Different surfaces reflect light differently.
When you say they are the same color do you mean they have the same RGB? I'm not denying your expertise. But even if they are the same they don't look the same. Could you change the color rating of the helmet to better match the color of the fabric? Also doesn't the base color of the material effect the color you put on top of if? I'm pretty sure Tech hasn't changed their helmet color since 2018.

Tech was able to match their fabrics and helmets in the past. Tech had a darker gold helmet before Adidas came in. When we got Adidas the helmets were lighter. In 2008 during the mustard gold experiment the helmets were made to match the fabrics.


This week's colors look like we're not even trying, unless JJacket is correct about them actually being the same.