Couch Burners @ Bearcats Game Thread

Oh ****, is Lou Holtz talking about conferences fixing games? He almost said that.

Makes me wonder if we'll ever see him again. The conference agents are probably already on their way to sue him into oblivion. Subversively...
God. Here I was thinking Lou Holtz couldn't be any more of a homer, and then he outdoes me. That one was really out of left field.
This is why you shouldn't have Holtz on the program. He just admitted that he won't pick objectively on a game involving a former employer. It's not funny, it's embarrassing to have him on your network.
I am gonna get banned for that one...I think...

Sorry Beestorm I had to do it....

I'll take one for the team...
This is why you shouldn't have Holtz on the program. He just admitted that he won't pick objectively on a game involving a former employer. It's not funny, it's embarrassing to have him on your network.

So, how bad is South Carolina going to beat Florida Tomorrow? :laugher: