Counterfeit Buzz?

...and what about Calhoun High School? Right in our own backyard. OMFG!

You ööööing people, I swear to Christ. Take another look at this "Buzz." Too small? Let me help!

Look at this ööööing botched abortion of a Buzz. I will never understand how or why so many people, including those who actually work at Tech with our logos and colors, (because that's where that disgusting Duzz above is linked from) can look at this ööööing thing and not immediately recognize it for the half-assed MS Paint-made hate crime it is. This terminally retarded bug has managed to make his way to official Tech pages and shows up as the THIRD MOTHERFU*KING (btw Beestorm your word filters suck minor league balls and you should disable them) RESULT in a Google image search for our Buzz logo. And yet, despite the fact that it needs to be scrubbed and its creator shot in public, people use it every ööööing where. If you use this logo for an avatar or logo or anything whatsoever, you're contributing to the problem and I hope your entire family dies today, then their ghosts find and ööööing murder you tonight. If you're looking to steal a logo to use for your shitty high school football program and you somehow manage to steal this unofficial, repulsive yellow fly then you not only deserve how terrible it will look, but also for everyone you love to finally be honest and tell you what an unbelievable disappointment you are to your friends, family and God himself.

Kill yourself immediately.
Fwiw, the Charlotte Hornets of the WFA used our yellow jacket logo back when the WFL was a thing.
I was somewhat surprised to learn of the existence on FB of "Ft. Myers Buzz" and believe that there are some apparent similarities that are shared between their logo and the GT version....
ft myers buzz 3.jpg
correct shade of gold
...and what about Calhoun High School? Right in our own backyard. OMFG!

What are you busting on Calhoun for? Not only is it a great program, but they have permission to use the logo. They send some good ball players to Tech too. To me, it should make Tech fans proud people want to use the logo. There are numerous programs that copy the logos of FSU, Ga, Clemson, etc.
GT has licensed the use of Buzz to over 400 high schools one of the articles indicated.
See, you're giving me 399 schools of information I didn't ööööing ask for. Focus. We're talking about Calhoun.
Easily the funniest thing I've heard in weeks. Get permission to use a copyrighted logo, then use some Aldi-brand knockoff instead. Morons.

I believe that the conditions in the rights granted require that the logos look different.
I believe that the conditions in the rights granted require that the logos look different.
They could have made alterations to the actual, decent-looking logo though. Instead they just took the logo equivalent of fan fiction written by a six year old.
:lol: oh my ööööing god. someone please tell me this is true.
First of all, "buzz" wasn't even created until 1972, and recreated in 1979. If you go back and look at all the Yellow Jacket logos through the years, it has changed a number of times. Once again, it amazes me that a Tech fan would object to another program emulating the logo, as all it does is provide more positive exposure. But I suppose everyone has their own thoughts
First of all, "buzz" wasn't even created until 1972, and recreated in 1979. If you go back and look at all the Yellow Jacket logos through the years, it has changed a number of times. Once again, it amazes me that a Tech fan would object to another program emulating the logo, as all it does is provide more positive exposure. But I suppose everyone has their own thoughts
I'm well aware of Buzz's origins and his creation by Mike Lester. I don't know what, exactly, you found in my post which gave you the impression that I'm against high school programs using our logos, but I don't think that's actually what bothers you about my posts. Regardless, the official Buzz logo has not changed since Lester created him. His appearance did change dramatically on our program covers between his debut and his last cover in 2002, but the logo art itself is the same as it has ever been. The Duzz logo I'm referring to and mocking is unofficial, presumably created by a fan, was not drawn by Mike Lester, is hideous and sloppy and should never be seen on an official Georgia Tech page or document or merchandise or anything else.
I'm well aware of Buzz's origins and his creation by Mike Lester. I don't know what, exactly, you found in my post which gave you the impression that I'm against high school programs using our logos, but I don't think that's actually what bothers you about my posts. Regardless, the official Buzz logo has not changed since Lester created him. His appearance did change dramatically on our program covers between his debut and his last cover in 2002, but the logo art itself is the same as it has ever been. The Duzz logo I'm referring to and mocking is unofficial, presumably created by a fan, was not drawn by Mike Lester, is hideous and sloppy and should never be seen on an official Georgia Tech page or document or merchandise or anything else.
I will agree with you that there are a number of variations of the logo used all over the place. And yes, some are silly. I guess my reaction was a lot a about Calhoun, who has a great coach and program that I very much respect. I assure you, they don't see see their use of the logo as a cartoon like joke.