CPJ Contract, FWIW

If we’re going to be sarcastic, can we at least make sure the conversation tracks?

@RamblinWreck92 and @bonham lay down some textbook mocking of diehard CPJ supporters. Then @daBuzz misinterprets the latter’s comments, going off on an ill-advised tangent. I guess some credit is due to @H-town for yes-anding the flub to try and salvage it, but it’s too little too late.

Come on Stingtalk, you’re better than that.
I do like to contribute once in a while
Coincidentally all the autists have been posting heavily.

Edit: Lol the guy who failed calc 1 is calling people out again. I thought Tech was a good school.

I’m sorry that your calc classes at Perimeter were easy, I guess.

Anyways.....good to have you back. Roof needs his white knight here.