Defense improved, or too soon to tell?

Take away one of those ridiculously long field goals and we held fsu to 18 points. Well below their average last season.
My D takeaways:
- We play without fear.
- Efford, although he struggles in coverage, is a great run stopper that wraps up. Countless times he stuck his guy and downed him right there.
- Tackling, while improved, is still an issue for the secondary.
- We have the ability to apply pressure and get sacks. We still whiff occasionally but we can influence the play.
The safety and corner blitzes reminded me of a Jon Tenuta defense. Specifically, that blitz from Morgan Burnett at Notre Dame when we beat their ass.

I was thinking the same thing. So many misdirections, motions, and blitzes that often worked against the run as much as the pass. It felt like the D was setting the tempo and making the enemy offense react, not the other way around. Throw in a few blown tackles to keep FSU in it and it was pretty much Tenuta's D.
The defense is greatly improved. Last year the other teams looked like they were covered in baby oil and we couldn't bring them down with multiple tacklers. It was great to see some shoestring tackles and solid wrapping up and pursuits.

Also enjoyed seeing Efford wear the green dot. He did a great job of calling in the play and rallying the defense.
I was impressed with both sides of the line of scrimmage. Offense was making huge gaps and lanes for our backs to run through. Defense finally has a pulse and is awake this year. Last year was a paper tiger on D. We might have a real tiger (albeit a young one) on D this year. Only first game of the season, so looking forward to see how they progress.
We’re still within 24h of a great win by the team. No reason not to still be super excited. It’s a long season, never as good or as bad as it seems, etc. I hope the team is able to get refocused with their sights on GSU. With CBK at the helm, my guess is they will. Should be a fun season folks.
Yes the defense is improved. It was bad last year, so yes … improved.

Early in the game our tackling was suspect in the secondary - FSU has a good bit of yardage-after-catch in the first half. We cleaned that up at halftime and played a very strong defensive game in the second half. Yes we did give up two 4th down conversions, but DJ-U, while IMO not an elite QB, does a good job on slants. So I attribute those conversions to players making plays more so that our defense making bad plays.

We played tough on defense, and we will continue to do so under this coaching staff. I have very little to complain about after yesterday’s effort.
For first time in many moons, felt like D attacked and didn't play on their heels! Go Jackets! BUST THEIR...

Great game D!!
D reminded me of the O last year. You can see the improvement on an individual level. You can see good playcalls, even when they didn’t work. You can see that the players have a long way to go implementing the full scheme.

But things look up. And unlike the O last year, the improving D will be able to lean on the O when they invariably have a bad game.
One game, good or bad, in isolation does not define anyone or anything.

There is every reason to believe that the defense will be improved over past years. The defense has been bad on a historic level in recent years and that cannot be a personnel only issue. Replacing bad coaching with good coaching should result in a substantial improvement. The question is how much. If we can get to being an average defense, it would be a huge improvement.
Yes the defense is improved. It was bad last year, so yes … improved.

Early in the game our tackling was suspect in the secondary - FSU has a good bit of yardage-after-catch in the first half. We cleaned that up at halftime and played a very strong defensive game in the second half. Yes we did give up two 4th down conversions, but DJ-U, while IMO not an elite QB, does a good job on slants. So I attribute those conversions to players making plays more so that our defense making bad plays.

We played tough on defense, and we will continue to do so under this coaching staff. I have very little to complain about after yesterday’s effort.

The yac was biased by fsu passing so short or behind the los. A lot of their passes were basically runs.

And DJ-U did convert on thoses 4th downs, but only because he didn’t convert on the 3rds. FSU also did a decent job picking up the blitzes on the last drive. I think it is a function of this being our first real game in this D, so we have a limited number of plays.
It's an aggressive defense that will sometimes get burnt, but the run fits and layering are light-years better, and the offense can't read us like a book either. The line has potential to get pressure one on one. The defense is indeed much better, but how much better is yet to be seen. Personally, I'm fearful of a team going HUNH and use a lot of window dressing like us and whether we can rotate personnel and keep up with the O or whether we'll get stuck in base looks and get beat one on one in key matchups.
Defense is much improved up front; we controlled the LOS against a top level team. We have 6 legitimate FBS level DTs and a very good edge rusher. Sure, other teams will test our secondary more, but just the ability to control the front shows we are better.
I thought that DJU’s best attribute was supposed to be his deep arm? Also, someone on here argued that he is a great and powerful runner….Bro looked mired in quicksand…..lolz
Walking back from the stadium with the crowd it was clear the F$U fans have already given up on DJU.