Defense improved, or too soon to tell?

Now we need to get home, work hard, and take it to Georgia State. We need to pressure Gibson, I suppose he's their QB. I'm guessing Georgia State is gonna watch the film and try to have a lot of check downs to slow the rush and try to take more long shots down field than Florida State did.

Time to get after them
Other than the first drive and the 2 fourth down conversions on their final drive the defense was outstanding. They looked improved to me - better depth, stronger line, good linebacker play.
The defense improved by a mile. Would have never had QB pressure or a 3rd down stop if it hadn't.
FSU is replacing a lot on O, but the D was very well positioned all game. Liked what I saw.
Santucci looks legit to me. If we missed any tackles at all I didn't see them. We always had the right angle. This is the first time I can ever recall seeing GT look like we truly enjoy tackling, going at least back to 1992.
There's always plenty to clean up, but the biggest difference is in knowing and executing assignments. Guys were not afraid to engage blocks when necessary to let teammates fill gaps, and guys in the back were not hesitant to execute their assignment. Guys who were out of the play stayed vigilant and pursued. No amount of scheme or 1 on 1 beating your guy is going to lead to sustained success if you can't do the above collectively.
State will attempt deep throws. FSU couldn't throw those.
I'm sure he's been mentioned somewhere on here but if so, I missed it. Ahmari Harvey made several impressive open field tackles (I think as a CB?) Including the initial 4th down stop in the 1st half. Really impressed with that guy.
Haynes King got the MVP trophy but I think Harvey could have gotten it as well. He played awesome.
I think too soon to tell. FSU was one dimensional and we were able to load up against the run. Didn’t respect the deep ball at all. But, we tackled much better and looked well coached and competent. I am super optimistic.
This. Much improved on tackling. I have no idea about pass pro because DJ didn’t look downfield much. I do know that there was one guy who was consistently open however which concerns me.
This post is not intended to anyone in particular but the defense I saw was much improved!
True, given that we were near last in the NCAA, hard to think this wasn't improvement. I'm still uncertain though whether we have a decent defense yet. Georgia State and Syracuse will give us more data but Louisville is probably the next (first?) good offense we face.
We haven’t had a game like that since Clemson 2014. So yeah improved. Will it be 90 instead of 120 in the country? Who knows. But better.