Dontae Aycock Redux: "I was signing with Auburn no matter what."


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Oct 30, 2002
Some telling stuff came out of a Q&A interview with the AJC. He keeps repeating thru the entire interview that "I was just going to Auburn to look at what they had to offer." Then he let this nugget slip out toward the end...

Q: What was your mindset when you were on your way to Auburn for the visit?

A: “At the time, I wasn’t going to Auburn thinking I was going to go there. I was just going to go check it out and go home and think about it. Tech was leading the whole way. But when I went to Auburn, they pretty much sold me on everything. Even if they didn’t pull my scholarship, Auburn is the place I was going to go.

This is the kind of **** that goes on. I seem to recall a good bit of ruffled feathers because CPJ stuck to his guns because of his belief of a true "commitment." If our head coach didn't have the balls to pull the scholarship, this joker would've bailed at the last second anyway and we would've been caught with our pants down.
I mean, think about it from his perspective. He is an Auburn Tiger.

What is he going to say? Yeah, Tech was my first choice and I am quite upset not to be a Jacket??

Doubt that would go well with the folks at Auburn.
He did what he thought was right for him and ended up elsewhere. Best of luck to him.
This leads me to an interesting conversation. I was talking to an old buddy from high school (who's a big Auburn fan) and mentioned the Aycock situation to him. His response was, "Well I guess he just wanted to go to a MAJOR college football team."

I flipped out. So, here's the list of reasons I gave why Auburn has a much better football program than Tech.

1. National Titles. - Oh wait, Tech has 4. Auburn has 1 (kinda)

2. Conference Titles - Ummm... Tech has 15 to Auburn's 10.

3. SEC Titles - They've got us here! Tech only has 5 to Auburn's 6. Too bad we haven't been in the SEC in over forty years.

4. Recent history - Umm... Head-to-head matchups in 2003 and 2005?

5. Great coaches - Heisman/Dodd/Ross/Alexander don't hold a candle to Pat Dye! Ok, so Heisman DID coach at Auburn for four years, to their credit.

6. Current coach - I'd take Paul Johnson over Chizik every day of the week and twice on Saturdays.

So, enlighten me, football fans. Can you think of anything that makes Auburn a better football program than GT? Heisman winners, maybe? (They have 2) Seats in the stadium (85,000)? I don't think either of those are very good measures. Let me know if you think of anything, because I think Auburn has the most dillusional fans on the face of the planet.
The only thing better that I can think of is the conferences. I know it is blasphemy to say, but SEC > ACC most years.
The only thing better that I can think of is the conferences. I know it is blasphemy to say, but SEC > ACC most years.

Yeah but for this sort of thing what is most important is how things stand now. With that many ACC teams could beat many SEC teams, though some SEC teams could beat all ACC teams. One guy phrased it best..."The SEC has won the past three national titles, but that doesn't mean anything for 2009) I happen to agree.
The only thing better that I can think of is the conferences. I know it is blasphemy to say, but SEC > ACC most years.

He should have gone with the "bigger fanbase" argument. But, then I would have just countered with the "I'll take my 50,000 GT fans over your 85,000 rednecks any day" reply.
DA is weak as F*ck..

GTFO and may he have a mediocre, injury free college career.
who cares...the moment the scholly was pulled I am totally uninterested in what this guy has to say.

I DON'T want anybody at GT that DOES NOT WANT to be here.

The reality is between "soft verbals, silent verbals, silent soft verbals, and everything else" you really don't have a kid until he signs in Feb. Hopefully they will have an early signing period that will eliminate some of this crap.
Auburn is 15th in all-time winning percentage (.627) with a 681-395-47 record. (Ironically, Alabama (6), Tennessee (9), UGAG (12), LSU (13), and UF (16) are all in the top 20.)

GA Tech is 26th in all-time winning percentage (.595) with a 661-443-42 record.

As with most of the surrounding SEC teams, we've had higher highs and lower lows, but they been much more consistently good for most of the last 40 years.


Still, I'd rather be playing football at GA Tech today than at Auburn.
Nothing against the kid, but I'm not interested in this guy or what he has to say. He's just a college kid going to AU --why is this even worthy of an article?
This leads me to an interesting conversation. I was talking to an old buddy from high school (who's a big Auburn fan) and mentioned the Aycock situation to him. His response was, "Well I guess he just wanted to go to a MAJOR college football team."

I flipped out. So, here's the list of reasons I gave why Auburn has a much better football program than Tech.

1. National Titles. - Oh wait, Tech has 4. Auburn has 1 (kinda)

2. Conference Titles - Ummm... Tech has 15 to Auburn's 10.

3. SEC Titles - They've got us here! Tech only has 5 to Auburn's 6. Too bad we haven't been in the SEC in over forty years.

4. Recent history - Umm... Head-to-head matchups in 2003 and 2005?

5. Great coaches - Heisman/Dodd/Ross/Alexander don't hold a candle to Pat Dye! Ok, so Heisman DID coach at Auburn for four years, to their credit.

6. Current coach - I'd take Paul Johnson over Chizik every day of the week and twice on Saturdays.

So, enlighten me, football fans. Can you think of anything that makes Auburn a better football program than GT? Heisman winners, maybe? (They have 2) Seats in the stadium (85,000)? I don't think either of those are very good measures. Let me know if you think of anything, because I think Auburn has the most dillusional fans on the face of the planet.
Awbarn may consider themselves to be a "major college football team", but they are still Reggie Ball's little bitch.
I mean, think about it from his perspective. He is an Auburn Tiger.

What is he going to say? Yeah, Tech was my first choice and I am quite upset not to be a Jacket??

Doubt that would go well with the folks at Auburn.

I guess it would be shallow of me to wish he spends four years in the whirlpool at the loveliest village.
GT will probably never be considered a major college football program by most people, simply because we don't have the fanbase. I think if CPJ turned started a USC-type dynasty here, that would do it, but barring that people will always look down on us because of our empty seats/large away crowds. While I love BDS, especially for night games, it just isn't the atmosphere as you get at a Clemson, a Florida, or even a Georgia. It doesn't usually have that "big time" feel, and when it does it's usually because Georgia or Notre Dame is coming to town.

I don't really care though, because as pointed out by Roy being a major college football program has nothing to do with winning. In fact, being a "major college football program" isn't even a real's different in most people's eyes anyway.
GT will probably never be considered a major college football program by most people, simply because we don't have the fanbase. I think if CPJ turned started a USC-type dynasty here, that would do it, but barring that people will always look down on us because of our empty seats/large away crowds. While I love BDS, especially for night games, it just isn't the atmosphere as you get at a Clemson, a Florida, or even a Georgia. It doesn't usually have that "big time" feel, and when it does it's usually because Georgia or Notre Dame is coming to town.

I don't really care though, because as pointed out by Roy being a major college football program has nothing to do with winning. In fact, being a "major college football program" isn't even a real's different in most people's eyes anyway.

I agree 100%. Tech doesn't have the student numbers or fan base numbers to ever pack out a 100,000 seat stadium unless something drastically changes. Hell, we can't even pack out a 55,000 seat stadium. I love BDS and the history that surrounds it, but I think the general public perception is that Tech is not an elite CFB option. I can't say that I disagree, and that's certainly not a bad thing, but we don't create that big time college football atmosphere unless a big time college football factory is coming into BDS. Not a bad thing, I'm just saying.