Enough with the Deon

And if hired he would stay at GT for how long? What if he’s super successful is he going to stay at Georgia Tech? No way
If any coach we hire is super successful he ain’t gonna stay at Tech, but at least we get the benefit of being good and the job becomes more attractive. Bill Curry and George O’Leary were only moderately successful and they left for bigger and better things. Ross was super successful and he left, too.
If any coach we hire is super successful he ain’t gonna stay at Tech, but at least we get the benefit of being good and the job becomes more attractive. Bill Curry and George O’Leary were only moderately successful and they left for bigger and better things. Ross was super successful and he left, too.
No we must find a coach nobody else will want so we can keep him.
If any coach we hire is super successful he ain’t gonna stay at Tech, but at least we get the benefit of being good and the job becomes more attractive. Bill Curry and George O’Leary were only moderately successful and they left for bigger and better things. Ross was super successful and he left, too.
Good point
And if hired he would stay at GT for how long? What if he’s super successful is he going to stay at Georgia Tech? No way

Not to pile on, but that's not a good take. We'll cross that bridge later. Hopefully a coach with that much success we can pay to hang onto.
If he was hired and he was successful do you really think he would stay at Georgia Tech? Not move on to an SEC school or somewhere bigger? I think Georgia Tech’s going to look for security not an instant celebrity good recruiter football coach.
Maybe....but I would like the three or four years of fun football.
Maybe....but I would like the three or four years of fun football.

Not too mention, that he would certainly be leaving a good roster of talent for the next coach. And making the job more attractive to other candidates as well.

Hard not to get excited if there is any chance of Deion coming here.
Let me give another pro-Deion angle. Deion is just such a unique opportunity. If we go with Deion and fail in 3 to 5 years, there will be "another" Chadwell (read: hot, upcoming G5 coach) to go with. If we go with Chadwell and fail in 3 to 5 years, there will not be "another" Deion available. This is an experiment we won't be able to repeat at a later date.
This changed my mind. I want Deion. It'd at least be a fun experiment.
Low risk. I'm less worried about Deion going to GSU and being successful than about GT making a bad hire. Both need to happen for GSU to become atlanta's team, imho.
Atlanta’s team is the Falcons, nobody gives one single F about Tech or State except the Alumni (well some of the alumni)
If he was hired and he was successful do you really think he would stay at Georgia Tech? Not move on to an SEC school or somewhere bigger? I think Georgia Tech’s going to look for security not an instant celebrity good recruiter football coach.

If we are looking for security we never should have fired Collins. We had security with him -- he was never going anywhere else, we were getting consistent results, and there were going to be no surprises.

If we are looking to hire a coach is good enough to turn around what is right now a bottom tier program (painful to say it but that's what we are right now), then we have to accept that he may leave for a top tier program once that happens. It's just the reality after three years of Collins.
And if Deion succeeds then leaves, he takes all the talent he accumulated with him. So back to square one.