Enough with the Deon

So you are strongly against us hiring Deion but you are worried that he will go to Georgia State and elevate them to be Atlanta's team?

Aren't those two views kind of in conflict with each other?
He's just started posting this week, I think he's PressManCoverage's burner
So you are strongly against us hiring Deion but you are worried that he will go to Georgia State and elevate them to be Atlanta's team?

Aren't those two views kind of in conflict with each other?
No. I don't think he'd succeed at the P5 level, but he could succeed at Georgia State by overrecruiting for their conference. He'd be a thorn in our side, stealing our spotlight as Atlanta's team.
A disturbing possibility is Deion ending up at Georgia State and making them Atlanta's team

Low risk. I'm less worried about Deion going to GSU and being successful than about GT making a bad hire. Both need to happen for GSU to become atlanta's team, imho.
No. I don't think he'd succeed at the P5 level, but he could succeed at Georgia State by overrecruiting for their conference. He'd be a thorn in our side, stealing our spotlight as Atlanta's team.

That's a fair argument. It's certainly the biggest question mark by far about him -- is he a terrible coach who is only putting up that record because he has an enormous talent advantage, which will be tougher to maintain when he steps up?
Deion fans: If UGA had hired Herschel Walker as head coach, do y'all think that would have been a good move?
Get back to your TPS reports. Mid level ceiling managers need not apply to this conversation. Keep grinding out the same blue shirt same khaki pants combo that got you your safe little lifestyle. Nothing to see here. Key is the man!
Where is that talk coming from? I have not heard that talk.

Sorry, the search function is letting me down. I'm trying to find it but there's so much talk of deion it's hard to find the right keywords.

There's a lot of speculation, but the themes I keep seeing are:

  1. Cabrera is committing to spending the money to make us first class (referencing the speech after firing GC)
  2. Deion will need great coordinators to be successful
  3. Deion wouldn't join unless we agree to give him the coordinators he needs
Feel free to agree/disagree. I thought I'd heard it enough that there was consensus. I'm not trying to pin you down to something you don't agree with.
Get back to your TPS reports. Mid level ceiling managers need not apply to this conversation. Keep grinding out the same blue shirt same khaki pants combo that got you your safe little lifestyle. Nothing to see here. Key is the man!
Deion is absolutely a part of the conversation from what I’ve seen in other places. I don’t know what you were expecting on stingtalk, we have dudes starting threads about how they haven’t watched a game in years. I have yet to see a good argument as to why Deion would not succeed at Tech. Just people being afraid of glory because their own self worth is so low.
Them's fightin words

Some people just aren't capable of an honest conversation about risk vs reward. They've chosen their guy and any vetting is just lip-service. It was the same when we hired Collins.
I want a really fast turn-around and I don't see that without solid fundamentals. I'll acknowledge there's a lot of presumptions about Deions fundamentals and you can color me a skeptic.

Every coaching hire has risk. Hard for me to think of faster turnaround than if Deion were to work out. Much higher tickets sales and "buzz" (terrible pun intended) around the program from the get-go if he were hired than let's say a Chadwell type.

I'm ok with shoving the chips into the middle at this point to see what happens if Deion where to have an agreement in place that would suggest he could work out here (even if the odds are really low of that happening). Given where GT is now, I'm ok with Deion's "floor" as I don't think it is worse than Collins' was. Deion's ceiling in Atlanta is crazy high, much higher than any other "realistic" candidate that GT could hire.

And of course, I'll be there for whomever the new coach is hoping for the best.
Deion is absolutely a part of the conversation from what I’ve seen in other places. I don’t know what you were expecting on stingtalk, we have dudes starting threads about how they haven’t watched a game in years. I have yet to see a good argument as to why Deion would not succeed at Tech. Just people being afraid of glory because their own self worth is so low.
So you’re saying that nothing has changed in my long absence? We have the dumbest “smart” fans on the planet.
Some people just aren't capable of an honest conversation about risk vs reward. They've chosen their guy and any vetting is just lip-service. It was the same when we hired Collins.
Oh yes, because the situations are so similar. We need QuadF leading the coaching search. It would be similar to the last one in that we would only interview two people, but this time the choices would be Brent Key or Jeff Monken and we’d raise statues of Dave Braine on Techwood Avenue and put quotations about being happy with 7 wins... this is the GT way.
Some people just aren't capable of an honest conversation about risk vs reward. They've chosen their guy and any vetting is just lip-service. It was the same when we hired Collins.
No it wasn’t. I had no idea who collins was, most of us didn’t, and most people were trying to stay positive talking about how he helped with 2008 class and his stints at SEC schools. That was a far greater risk than what we’re proposing now. This is absolutely nothing like when we hired Collins.
Deion fans: If UGA had hired Herschel Walker as head coach, do y'all think that would have been a good move?
I am flattered that you think there is any parallel between UGA and GT here, but you are talking apples and oranges. UGA is unquestionably one of the top jobs in college football, with one of the biggest budgets by far. UGA is one of the few schools that can steal a coach away from a top 25 P5 team. So no, it would be stupid to hire Hershel Walker at UGA. It would be stupid to hire Deion Sanders at UGA. It would be stupid to hire Chadwell at UGA. It would be a huge controversial risk if UGA went with their own OC if Kirby got hit by a bus. You would demand he prove himself as an interim first or you would hire someone like the coach at Kansas. You can go down GT's entire list of candidates and say it would be stupid for UGA to hire them or someone like them. UGA and GT are apples and oranges wrt this.
No it wasn’t. I had no idea who collins was, most of us didn’t, and most people were trying to stay positive talking about how he helped with 2008 class and his stints at SEC schools. That was a far greater risk than what we’re proposing now. This is absolutely nothing like when we hired Collins.
He’s still trying to grasp at whatever evidence he can conjure up to support his dumb ass opinion. Let’s just make this a yes or no question for him. QuadF, should we reach out at all to Deion Sanders or just assume it’s a bad idea? Yes or no?
Lol. Keep repeating the "it's so obviously correct i can't explain it" line. It gets more amusing every time. :)
Surely you aren’t this dense. I’ve listed multiple reasons why he should get an interview. I have yet to hear a reason from you why we shouldn’t try. Literally you haven’t offered one credible reason which is why there’s a slew of people who agree with me and literally no one agrees with you. It’s literally crickets on your side. Go back to the TPS reports buddy And I need you to come in on Saturday.
Surely you aren’t this dense. I’ve listed multiple reasons why he should get an interview. I have yet to hear a reason from you why we shouldn’t try. Literally you haven’t offered one credible reason which is why there’s a slew of people who agree with me and literally no one agrees with you. It’s literally crickets on your side. Go back to the TPS reports buddy And I need you to come in on Saturday.

Why do you keep chasing me around when you obviously aren't paying attention? I didn't say we shouldn't interview him, I stated why I think he isn't the right choice and the hype train of "Deion or bust" is flawed. You're jumping to absurd conclusions because you have no capacity for critical thinking. The same old BoR is back.