Enough with the Deon

I am flattered that you think there is any parallel between UGA and GT here, but you are talking apples and oranges. UGA is unquestionably one of the top jobs in college football, with one of the biggest budgets by far. UGA is one of the few schools that can steal a coach away from a top 25 P5 team. So no, it would be stupid to hire Hershel Walker at UGA. It would be stupid to hire Deion Sanders at UGA. It would be stupid to hire Chadwell at UGA. It would be a huge controversial risk if UGA went with their own OC if Kirby got hit by a bus. You would demand he prove himself as an interim first or you would hire someone like the coach at Kansas. You can go down GT's entire list of candidates and say it would be stupid for UGA to hire them or someone like them. UGA and GT are apples and oranges wrt this.

I think what he's driving at is some posters' reliance on Deion's career as a player to be indicative of his performance as a coach. It's not a perfect example, but I agree with his premise. They're different careers. However, if the reports about Deions work ethic are true then I think he most likely will become a good coach it's just a matter of when and to what degree he already is one.
I think what he's driving at is some posters' reliance on Deion's career as a player to be indicative of his performance as a coach. It's not a perfect example, but I agree with his premise. They're different careers. However, if the reports about Deions work ethic are true then I think he most likely will become a good coach it's just a matter of when and to what degree he already is one.
Literally nobody is doing that, so if that was his point then he is a world class moron.
Let me give another pro-Deion angle. Deion is just such a unique opportunity. If we go with Deion and fail in 3 to 5 years, there will be "another" Chadwell (read: hot, upcoming G5 coach) to go with. If we go with Chadwell and fail in 3 to 5 years, there will not be "another" Deion available. This is an experiment we won't be able to repeat at a later date.
Let me give another pro-Deion angle. Deion is just such a unique opportunity. If we go with Deion and fail in 3 to 5 years, there will be "another" Chadwell (read: hot, upcoming G5 coach) to go with. If we go with Chadwell and fail in 3 to 5 years, there will not be "another" Deion available. This is an experiment we won't be able to repeat at a later date.
Thank you. It’s now or never.
No it wasn’t. I had no idea who collins was, most of us didn’t, and most people were trying to stay positive talking about how he helped with 2008 class and his stints at SEC schools. That was a far greater risk than what we’re proposing now. This is absolutely nothing like when we hired Collins.

I'm not saying that you were part of that; we definitely had people pointing out that temple fans were oddly ok with losing him. But once people discovered GC was behind some really good recruiting classes here the juice-crew/hype-train was full-speed ahead.
Deion will instantly change Techs image on day one. The publicity alone will be worth his first years salary. GT will be the team coached by primetime, not the team that won three games a year for three/four years. Not the team that used to run the TO. The media would be all over it. The fans would take notice, recruits would take notice. All the other coaches listed might make the scroll across the bottom off the screen but Deion would get at least a minute or two of them talking about us

We've won three games a year or ran the TO since most of the high school recruits were 3 or 4 years old. We are an afterthought to them. A good coach can change that but it will take a few years. Primetime does it day one.

Deion will get players. He has already proven that. He will get them immediately at any P5 he goes to, why not here?

Can the other coaches get us back to top 25 level? Sure but it's not guaranteed with any of them or Sanders.

Can it get any worse? We are bottom 10 or lower in P5. Can you care any less about GT football than you did a week or two ago? Can you be any more upset?

Even if Deion can't coach, Techs image will be better than it is now. After three years of losing, maybe we fire him and we hire a proven coach that hopefully keeps some of the talent, build on it and wins. Or, maybe, we are making travel plans to watch primetime coach GT in the playoff game.
Let me give another pro-Deion angle. Deion is just such a unique opportunity. If we go with Deion and fail in 3 to 5 years, there will be "another" Chadwell (read: hot, upcoming G5 coach) to go with. If we go with Chadwell and fail in 3 to 5 years, there will not be "another" Deion available. This is an experiment we won't be able to repeat at a later date.
I totally agree, let’s jump on the opportunity getting Deion, can’t hurt vs playing it safe with some other offensive coordinator or going back to an option style guy, feel like that would be going backwards. I really think Deion, I mean I could bring some excitement to the program that tech really needs!!
I guess we'll see, eh? I have been disappointed by Key's woeful offensive line, and I doubt Collins "restricted" the line play in any way. That makes no sense. "Please make the line play poorly so that we get a lot of penalties and the QB gets sacked. Thanks."
Discipline was the issue. Had nothing to do with play. Coaches were not allowed to discipline the players to the extent that most coaches do.
The potential ceiling of a Deion Sanders hire needs to be explored, and if you don't at least look into it and interview the man to see if its possible, then you aren't doing your ööööing job.
You can't name a coach with a higher ceiling than Deion. You can't. Forget the floor for a second, imagine the ceiling. Really imagine it!

Recruiting could be something the likes we've only dreamed about. There is not ONE kid who is a 4 or 5 star player that would NOT seriously entertain Deion Sanders in their living room pitching playing in the ATL for Georgia Tech. Not one!

Deion coming back to the ATL would be SOOO huge in the community that the amount of support this would get to bring in sidewalk fans, supporters, alumni, $$$$$$ etc. would be ridiculous.

People already invested in the program but sitting on the sidelines waiting for the GTAA to actually do something worth a öööö would drop BOMBS of checks of support to the athletic program. I know I will. Not to mention the possibility of NIL deals.

All you ööööing engineers with blinders on, take them off for a second and try to wear a marketing hat for two seconds on this (Yeah, I know its asking a lot). Imagine the Ceiling for GT under Deion Sanders... its absolutely ridiculous and if we don't at least look into it, then we're led by people who imagine a cap on our success. No one has the same ceiling, that's a fact.

For those worried about his coaching. He took over a losing program, went 4-3 in Covid year, and since has gone 15-2 losing to two ranked opponents. He's going to attract coaches here. Even if we got Deion for 3-4 years, he has the potential to put us in a place the likes of which we've never seen. Excuse me if I fantasize over that as opposed to getting behind the same old same old GT bullshit that has run our brand down for the last 15 years.
It’s never ever going to happen.
GT has to show our fans and future coach that we are committed to winning. Hiring DS and committing the millions needed for him and his coaching staff would be a big step in that direction.
And if hired he would stay at GT for how long? What if he’s super successful is he going to stay at Georgia Tech? No way
Deon Sanders as the head coach is not the answer. He’s a name. He just got into head coaching a few years ago. Georgia Tech needs a coach with a proven past even an established assistant would be better than Deon. Sanders as head coach will never happen at Georgia Tech. There’s some things that happened in the past 3 1/2 years that will not be present anymore. Give Coach Key a chance. He will coach completely different than his predecessor.
If he was hired and he was successful do you really think he would stay at Georgia Tech? Not move on to an SEC school or somewhere bigger? I think Georgia Tech’s going to look for security not an instant celebrity good recruiter football coach.
If he was hired and he was successful do you really think he would stay at Georgia Tech? Not move on to an SEC school or somewhere bigger? I think Georgia Tech’s going to look for security not an instant celebrity good recruiter football coach.
if anybody is hired and they’re successful, would they stay at Georgia Tech? So your argument is let’s hire someone that won’t be as successful so we can keep him?