
Even when terrible, our national perception isn’t as a horrible team. Of the group I listed, we are on par nationally with NCSt and Pitt, even though we have sucked ass for 3 years.
Delusional. We're perceived as the worst team in the ACC.
I really need to stop drinking and trying to understand all this, when I sober up let me know if we are still in the ACC or which conference we are in and who else is in it. Sunday is a good day to sober up if my wife ain’t around
There isn't many other options for expansion that looks attractive (read: moves the all important needle for TV). I agree that you make an aggressive pitch, but I simply don't see the ACC being proactive--I expect some of the conference members to be picked off.

Fair enough.

you would be surprised. I travel a lot for work and in someways GT football brand is stronger the further away from Atlanta, particularly the northeast and West coast.
I think you hit on the heart of the problem. In the 60s and 70s Tech has about as many fans in smaller towns in the state as UGA had. That eroded over the years. If people think that really doesn’t matter, it does. “Sidewalk fans” give money, buy tickets, and overall support the program. It is tough to make a splash with getting support only from alums (particularly when you have a small, very spread out alum base).
I hope Key, and winning will make a dent in that.
I think you hit on the heart of the problem. In the 60s and 70s Tech has about as many fans in smaller towns in the state as UGA had. That eroded over the years. If people think that really doesn’t matter, it does. “Sidewalk fans” give money, buy tickets, and overall support the program. It is tough to make a splash with getting support only from alums (particularly when you have a small, very spread out alum base).
I hope Key, and winning will make a dent in that.

Ross made a dent when he won a natty.

O’Leary made a bigger impression with TIAR. There is no mystery what it takes to gain sidewalk fans in the state.

The hard part is figuring out how to deliver wins against uga. So far you either need to hire an amazing coach (like Spurrier) or wait for them to hire a terrible coach like Goff.
Ohh... I like that name. I don't like the idea, but I like the name for sure. Or better shortened to C2C.

They will probably call it something lame. I dunno. The more I think abour it, it just seems like that's going to be the best remaining option for PAC and ACC schools that don't get invited to the SEC or BIG.
Not a serious suggestion, but since we are dreaming.

Kick out the bullshit Big East schools from the ACC. Bye Louisville, Cuse, BC, VPISU, Pitt, (Miami can stay or go).
- Or kick Wake out and keep VPISU. Why? Because öööö Wake.
Get the ACC back to 8-9 teams.
Then pick up the remaining PAC teams. Two divisions - ACC and PAC.
Play 7 teams from the ACC and 2 crossover games each season.