Finnebaum today


Jolly Good Fellow
Mar 10, 2016
Liked Key hire however does not feel so good about the future of Ga Tech program,

Guess he thinks we are broke, get no attendance, and not a football school - however he did not elaborate except to go on and say nice things about Key.
Liked Key hire however does not feel so good about the future of Ga Tech program,

Guess he thinks we are broke, get no attendance, and not a football school - however he did not elaborate except to go on and say nice things about Key.

Of course he did. Saban said nice things about him.

Are there people who don't know Finebaum is a dumb homer Bama/SEC fan who got popular letting mouthbreathers talk and feel smart?
Is he wrong? On the one hand I don't see any reason a D1 P5 school in the middle of the most fertile recruiting area in the history of the game, a school that has won multiple national championships and plays in the easiest conference this side of the Mississippi shouldn't be able to win. A lot.

But over the last 20 years the school has become far more academic, the student body has less of a connection to GT athletics, and are generally disinterested in athletics as a whole. Meanwhile, those who are interested in sports cheer for the team out east. One of my friends who is a uga grad, she married a Tech grad. Yet I see him on FB where his red all the time, going to games there. He says he doesn't care about sports, she does so happy wife happy life.

If I'm doing my math right, Tech brought in about 3000 freshman from the state of Georgia in their fall freshman class. They have been bringing in a ton more transfer students and international students. How many freshman from the state of GA started at uga this fall?

This is not all necessarily bad, bama has been doing this for awhile focusing on bringing in out of state students because their in-state students are mostly too dumb to go to college. And they have had success. Maybe it can happen at GT too but I'm not going to dish on PF for his take here.
Is he wrong? On the one hand I don't see any reason a D1 P5 school in the middle of the most fertile recruiting area in the history of the game, a school that has won multiple national championships and plays in the easiest conference this side of the Mississippi shouldn't be able to win. A lot.

But over the last 20 years the school has become far more academic, the student body has less of a connection to GT athletics, and are generally disinterested in athletics as a whole. Meanwhile, those who are interested in sports cheer for the team out east. One of my friends who is a uga grad, she married a Tech grad. Yet I see him on FB where his red all the time, going to games there. He says he doesn't care about sports, she does so happy wife happy life.

If I'm doing my math right, Tech brought in about 3000 freshman from the state of Georgia in their fall freshman class. They have been bringing in a ton more transfer students and international students. How many freshman from the state of GA started at uga this fall?

This is not all necessarily bad, bama has been doing this for awhile focusing on bringing in out of state students because their in-state students are mostly too dumb to go to college. And they have had success. Maybe it can happen at GT too but I'm not going to dish on PF for his take here.

People keep repeating these same tired talking points. These things were true 20 years ago. We just went through the lowest valley in Tech football history. You have to go back literally 100 years to find a 4 year period as bad as this.

There are always going to be anecdotes of people who "aren't into sports" being bandwagon fans of whatever team is winning at the moment. It takes a special kind of douche to do that with your rival. Your friend's wife (I mean husband) is one of those.
Is he wrong? On the one hand I don't see any reason a D1 P5 school in the middle of the most fertile recruiting area in the history of the game, a school that has won multiple national championships and plays in the easiest conference this side of the Mississippi shouldn't be able to win. A lot.

But over the last 20 years the school has become far more academic, the student body has less of a connection to GT athletics, and are generally disinterested in athletics as a whole. Meanwhile, those who are interested in sports cheer for the team out east. One of my friends who is a uga grad, she married a Tech grad. Yet I see him on FB where his red all the time, going to games there. He says he doesn't care about sports, she does so happy wife happy life.

If I'm doing my math right, Tech brought in about 3000 freshman from the state of Georgia in their fall freshman class. They have been bringing in a ton more transfer students and international students. How many freshman from the state of GA started at uga this fall?

This is not all necessarily bad, bama has been doing this for awhile focusing on bringing in out of state students because their in-state students are mostly too dumb to go to college. And they have had success. Maybe it can happen at GT too but I'm not going to dish on PF for his take here.
I think @GTCrew would have some marital advice for your friend's "husband".
Batt came in because we're broke. His forte is fundraising so his main job is to make us less poor.
If we got Key on the cheap then we should at least be better off financially in a few years if he flops. I hope we'll find out the numbers through public records.
Tech is more interested in diversity and inclusion on the admissions side now so you’re never going to have a strong student body interested in sports.
In the games I attended the student section showed out, alot more than our alumni did. A number I would love to see is how many message board posters are season ticket holders.
Well I was - did not renew this year - will renew this year for sure -
In the games I attended the student section showed out, alot more than our alumni did. A number I would love to see is how many message board posters are season ticket holders.

IIRC we did a poll recently of something like that.
Is he wrong? On the one hand I don't see any reason a D1 P5 school in the middle of the most fertile recruiting area in the history of the game, a school that has won multiple national championships and plays in the easiest conference this side of the Mississippi shouldn't be able to win. A lot.

But over the last 20 years the school has become far more academic, the student body has less of a connection to GT athletics, and are generally disinterested in athletics as a whole. Meanwhile, those who are interested in sports cheer for the team out east. One of my friends who is a uga grad, she married a Tech grad. Yet I see him on FB where his red all the time, going to games there. He says he doesn't care about sports, she does so happy wife happy life.

If I'm doing my math right, Tech brought in about 3000 freshman from the state of Georgia in their fall freshman class. They have been bringing in a ton more transfer students and international students. How many freshman from the state of GA started at uga this fall?

This is not all necessarily bad, bama has been doing this for awhile focusing on bringing in out of state students because their in-state students are mostly too dumb to go to college. And they have had success. Maybe it can happen at GT too but I'm not going to dish on PF for his take here.
So current GT students are 1) soy boys that have never competed athletically, or 2) foreign students that define football as soccer. Definitely doesn’t bode well for future GT big time athletic supporters.
Liked Key hire however does not feel so good about the future of Ga Tech program,

Guess he thinks we are broke, get no attendance, and not a football school - however he did not elaborate except to go on and say nice things about Key.
I don't understand why anyone takes that skinny bald ööööer seriously. That man makes a living eating sack lunches off Saban's taint.
I can't stand Finebaum. I listen to every single college football podcast except for his (and Aaron Murray's, öööö the Mutts)

Pollack is the absolute worst in my opinion. Even if he wasn’t Ugag, his analysis is terrible and he acts like a hyper kid who just ate too much sugar. I learn nothing from him when he speaks.

There…I feel better now.
There are always going to be anecdotes of people who "aren't into sports" being bandwagon fans of whatever team is winning at the moment. It takes a special kind of douche to do that with your rival. Your friend's wife (I mean husband) is one of those
I grew up a GT fan and married a UT girl, but to be fair Tech and Tennessee aren't really rivals anymore so not much conflict. And of course our stadium is named after one of the best players in the history of Tennessee football. And I certainly didn't get to enjoy being a Tennessee fan in the highs of the 90s. I started following them about the time they lost to LSU in 2001 and some new coach down there in Baton Rouge changed CFB as we know it...