Football Tweets

I liked the idea, mentioned on a TV broadcast, of requiring injured players to remain out of the game until the next possession. Then you don't have to arbitrate the realness of injuries.

Is that problematic somehow?

People could still fake injuries but at least there'd be some consequence.
I liked the idea, mentioned on a TV broadcast, of requiring injured players to remain out of the game until the next possession. Then you don't have to arbitrate the realness of injuries.

Is that problematic somehow?

People could still fake injuries but at least there'd be some consequence.
The problem with that is that then you get guys legitimately hurt that dont want to have to miss the remainder of the possession so they'll try to play through it and possibly injure themselves worse. The thing that has to change is the culture of everyone trying to take advantage of everything. You're playing a FOOTBALL game so play football and do it with some integrity. Not even to slow a drive or break momemtum, coaches always teach players now a days that if you're hurt or think you are just go down. I mean if you jammed your shoulder, there is no reason you cant walk it off to the sidelines and get seen about over there. Some will, most wont.
The problem with that is that then you get guys legitimately hurt that dont want to have to miss the remainder of the possession so they'll try to play through it and possibly injure themselves worse. The thing that has to change is the culture of everyone trying to take advantage of everything. You're playing a FOOTBALL game so play football and do it with some integrity. Not even to slow a drive or break momemtum, coaches always teach players now a days that if you're hurt or think you are just go down. I mean if you jammed your shoulder, there is no reason you cant walk it off to the sidelines and get seen about over there. Some will, most wont.
Im pretty sure all football players already play right through all injuries they possibly can. We got guys on our team who played through broken bones... they really don't have an extra mile to go here.
The problem with that is that then you get guys legitimately hurt that dont want to have to miss the remainder of the possession so they'll try to play through it and possibly injure themselves worse. The thing that has to change is the culture of everyone trying to take advantage of everything. You're playing a FOOTBALL game so play football and do it with some integrity. Not even to slow a drive or break momemtum, coaches always teach players now a days that if you're hurt or think you are just go down. I mean if you jammed your shoulder, there is no reason you cant walk it off to the sidelines and get seen about over there. Some will, most wont.
True, that is a downside I didn't consider. It seems like guys playing through injuries would be an easier problem to solve than the faking of injuries. It's in their self-interest to not play hurt. And if they play hurt, it's ultimately on them. We don't have to nanny them.

I'm all for promoting virtue but I'm doubtful we can get people to do right that way. We are a country where people fake being sick all the time to get out of work, school, or whatever obligations. It's in our culture.

Also, the status quo may cause guys to play hurt when they're not. When fans boo over an apparent fake injury, and players get shamed online, and now the SEC is questioning every injury, you might have guys play through an injury because they don't want to look like they're faking.
Another point in favor of having guys sit the possession if they use an injury timeout: You probably have some guys who go back in the game hurt after the mandatory play out. Forcing them sit the whole possession would probably statistically be better for player safety.
True, that is a downside I didn't consider. It seems like guys playing through injuries would be an easier problem to solve than the faking of injuries. It's in their self-interest to not play hurt. And if they play hurt, it's ultimately on them. We don't have to nanny them.

I'm all for promoting virtue but I'm doubtful we can get people to do right that way. We are a country where people fake being sick all the time to get out of work, school, or whatever obligations. It's in our culture.

Also, the status quo may cause guys to play hurt when they're not. When fans boo over an apparent fake injury, and players get shamed online, and now the SEC is questioning every injury, you might have guys play through an injury because they don't want to look like they're faking.
Faking it is an American tradition. The SEC commissioner is not going to stop that. Also fans are going to boo the visiting team faking injuries not their own. Players are not influenced by fans booing.
Telling players to lay down when they are hurt is not just about slowing things down or halting momentum. The current forty second clock and substitution rules can lead to a delay of game on the offense or twelve men penalty on the defense when an injured player tries to make it to the sideline without a stoppage of play.

I do favor an injured player staying out for the rest of a possession if an injury leads to stopping play.

I also don’t like giving defenses too much time to make a substitution when the offense has substituted so that the offense is in danger of a delay penalty. I would give the defense no more than ten seconds after an offensive substitution to put the ball in play.
The fact that Miami is still behind uga is garbage at this point. While I think Mario C will still manage to eff it up before the final CFP field is announced, Miami is unbeaten and hammered a common opponent who was healthy in UF.