Game Chat?

They do? I thought we lost the last two games last year.

Georgia and Iowa were by far the hardest games we played last year. But we were a polished team when we played them, just not good enough to stop the run.. Offensively we were much better.. Esp after the FSU game..
We don't look like we came ready to play. We're self-imploding on 3rd downs on both sides of the ball and the special teams have been awful.
Actually, I seriously doubt we pull this one out.

Defense is not improved; offense has regressed.
Our defense is getting man-handled. We do not know how to tackle. We do not know pass coverage. Womack looked better.
we just need to learn how to catch to open the run game up.
if they don't respect the pass then our WRs are worthless and we're essentially playing 2 men down