Game Chat?

There is no one to blame here but ourselves. We didn't take the Jayhawks seriously and unless we can get 2 scores in the 4th they are going to make us pay for it.
I'd be surprised if we got 1 score in the 4th. add that on the the fact that the D is terrible and we are going to lose this game badly.
Why the hell is Groh having our corners play so deep. They keep checking to the WR screen and it's killing us. I thought he was supposed to be a king of adjustments? It's the same thing over and over. Hell Kansas hasn't gone over the top once this game. Why are we giving such a cushion?

Because they are pussies and afraid to be physical.
Cpj is makin' his famous halftime adjustmentsssssssssssssssssssssssss
Nasty. D is playing w/o any discipline. They'll give up another six and make Kansas look good. Chalk it up.
There are a lot of fair weather fans here ...

or a lot of fans that aren't blinded by homerism and can see our short-comings (lol at all the people that were worshiping Groh as the solution to our defense)
There are a lot of fair weather fans here ...

There's a difference between being a fair weather fan and realizing when your team is playing poorly.

If you don't think we're playing poorly you need to take off those white and gold shades.
What kind of f*ing dance was that???

Hill is a great athlete....not yet a football player!!
or a lot of fans that aren't blinded by homerism and can see our short-comings (lol at all the people that were worshiping Groh as the solution to our defense)

Throwing groh to the curb after 2 games is stupid. That said, we could not be playing worse. Steven Hill just ran a merry-go-round route.