Game Chat?

Haha, I'm now fully remembering why I never get on here during games. You all are a bunch of self loathing drama queens. You guys have fun crying.

Seriously...since when did football games shorten to 1 quarter long? UGA 2008 anyone? Come back whenever you find your testicles.
Remember what Navy was doing last week with the motion then stop and reset? We really need to pull more of those if we see the opposing D is getting their timing down.
I think different plays have different times on the A-back motion when the ball is snapped. If KU wants to keep trying to time it, I am sure there are counters.
Good thing that it rolled out of bounds. Bad that it rolled backwards and we lost a few yards.
haven't had the greatest blocks by the Abacks so far

edt: actually it's just peeples with the bad blocks