Game day advice for first timer

How did we get this far in the thread and no one yet has commented that they're called Marching Ballerinas? That name -- conflating the military rigidity of marching with the feline grace of the ballerina -- does not generate good images.

Can we get some alternative suggestions?
How did we get this far in the thread and no one yet has commented that they're called Marching Ballerinas? That name -- conflating the military rigidity of marching with the feline grace of the ballerina -- does not generate good images.

Can we get some alternative suggestions?
Marching Ballerinas barely beat out Marching Lady Cocks.
How did we get this far in the thread and no one yet has commented that they're called Marching Ballerinas? That name -- conflating the military rigidity of marching with the feline grace of the ballerina -- does not generate good images.

Can we get some alternative suggestions?

Prancing Hens
How did we get this far in the thread and no one yet has commented that they're called Marching Ballerinas? That name -- conflating the military rigidity of marching with the feline grace of the ballerina -- does not generate good images.

Can we get some alternative suggestions?
Pugnacious Pansies?
Make a piss bet with the person in the seat next to you
Haha, well that took an odd turn.

I understand both sides play to the home sideline. We have seats in the club level chair backs which are apparently on the visitor sideline. How hard would it be to walk across the stadium for halftime to watch our band play, say in section 107-109? Do you have to have a ticket for a particular section to even enter that section gate? Do we need to consider swapping seats or buying on that side from the secondary market if we want to see the bands from the front?

What are concession prices like in BDS for water, cokes/sodas, beer?

Are seat backs available for rental in non-club seats on a single game basis? In other words, is there a concession to rent them in the concourse and take them to your seat? Cost?
Here's a good general schedule.

Band marches down the Hill 45 minutes before the kick. Team comes out behind the Wreck about 3 minutes before the kick.

Opposing bands don't usually do much outside the stadium as far as I can remember. We've had a prettt good run of FCS opponents with good bands, especially a couple of HBCUs. I remember you guys having a big band the last time you came to town.

Our band is a little more rag-tag (we're an engineering school, after all) but they have good material to work with.

I expect campus to be a little sedate due to early start, FCS game, and UT hangover, but it should be a nice day for a game nonetheless. I don't expect that you'll encounter any hostility, so take a stroll around campus. The roof garden of the Clough building is a good place to get a view of campus and skyline and tailgaters.

Thank for the info, Jrjr/vapspwi!
Haha, well that took an odd turn.

I understand both sides play to the home sideline. We have seats in the club level chair backs which are apparently on the visitor sideline. How hard would it be to walk across the stadium for halftime to watch our band play, say in section 107-109? Do you have to have a ticket for a particular section to even enter that section gate? Do we need to consider swapping seats or buying on that side from the secondary market if we want to see the bands from the front?

What are concession prices like in BDS for water, cokes/sodas, beer?

Are seat backs available for rental in non-club seats on a single game basis? In other words, is there a concession to rent them in the concourse and take them to your seat? Cost?
Not difficult. You will have to walk around the north side. There is a narrow area to cross west from the lower north.
Haha, well that took an odd turn.

I understand both sides play to the home sideline. We have seats in the club level chair backs which are apparently on the visitor sideline. How hard would it be to walk across the stadium for halftime to watch our band play, say in section 107-109? Do you have to have a ticket for a particular section to even enter that section gate? Do we need to consider swapping seats or buying on that side from the secondary market if we want to see the bands from the front?

What are concession prices like in BDS for water, cokes/sodas, beer?

Are seat backs available for rental in non-club seats on a single game basis? In other words, is there a concession to rent them in the concourse and take them to your seat? Cost?

Let me chime in a bit here:
1. What part of town are you staying? That will influence our answers.
2. GT fans are great people. You shouldn't have any issues.
3. Don't go to the varsity. You don't need to eat shit on a bun. Go to the Vortex in midtown (be prepared to wait a little bit. All guests must be 18+).
4. The best game day tradition only happens after a GT win. The football team will gather in the end zone and sing the fight song. After they leave, the band + students do some kind of crazy dance. It's a spectacle. Definitely worth watching/?participating?
5. Enjoy game day and welcome to Atlanta!
Let me chime in a bit here:
1. What part of town are you staying? That will influence our answers.
2. GT fans are great people. You shouldn't have any issues.
3. Don't go to the varsity. You don't need to eat öööö on a bun. Go to the Vortex in midtown (be prepared to wait a little bit. All guests must be 18+).
4. The best game day tradition only happens after a GT win. The football team will gather in the end zone and sing the fight song. After they leave, the band + students do some kind of crazy dance. It's a spectacle. Definitely worth watching/?participating?
5. Enjoy game day and welcome to Atlanta!
1. That has been answered.
2. True
3. Vortex opens at 11am. Not feasible for a lunch kickoff if he wants to see any pregame activities. Also +21 not +18.
4. If you don't know what that is called, shame on you.
5. Yes.
4. The best game day tradition only happens after a GT win. The football team will gather in the end zone and sing the fight song. After they leave, the band + students do some kind of crazy dance. It's a spectacle. Definitely worth watching/?participating?
The Horse happens win or lose. The only times I've seen it not done are when the fans storm the field and the band is prevented from playing.
Haha, well that took an odd turn.

I understand both sides play to the home sideline. We have seats in the club level chair backs which are apparently on the visitor sideline. How hard would it be to walk across the stadium for halftime to watch our band play, say in section 107-109? Do you have to have a ticket for a particular section to even enter that section gate? Do we need to consider swapping seats or buying on that side from the secondary market if we want to see the bands from the front?

What are concession prices like in BDS for water, cokes/sodas, beer?

Are seat backs available for rental in non-club seats on a single game basis? In other words, is there a concession to rent them in the concourse and take them to your seat? Cost?
yes you can walk across on the north. you can stand on the walkway to watch the band but they might ask you to move. they don't check tickets for the sections. if you're in the gold chairs you have access to the club level with nice concessions inside and typically 2 comp drinks. beer is not sold anywhere outside of the club level. water or coke is $4. you can buy seat backs on the right as you enter gate 4 (northwest corner.) I have no idea what they cost because I don't really sit down.