Georgia Tech vs. USC Game Thread

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Lucky?! Could it possible that we are out playing them

Didn't mean lucky like that, we are definitely outplaying them, what I meant was that with the talent gap, it's inconceivable that losing a game like this would be an embarrassment like bvlahh was insinuating.
Dammit. Cannot keep turning it over.

Gotta stop that triple option shot too. It's too slowly developing for this defense.
This announcing is embarrassingly bad.
The two worst plays of the half were the Vad Lee interception and the fumble-call reversal. Awful throw by Vad. Maybe if Tevin would've come in after that possession we wouldn't have fumbled it.
That was perfect coverage Cov. 2. Wittek through into the coverage. Louis should have drove on the ball soon as it went to the flat

If it was indeed cov 2,then on 3rd and goal he should've been defending the front line and not so soft to the flat threat.
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