Georgia Tech vs. USC Game Thread

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Anyone else hate our GT commercials?

I do, probably because it seems that Mini 500 commercial has run for years. It also gives the wrong impression that Tech is only for rocket scientists. I mean, we have those, but there's also a lot of business leaders that come from IE and MGMT schools.
I disagree. He secures the ball better, a skill that Vad is yet to learn.

Holy öööö. You're ööööing dumber than I ever imagined. Tevin plays this whole game and we have NO CHANCE to win. None. STFU now.
Did he just say Tevin is starting the 3rd quarter?
CPJ didn't say Orwin was out for the game but specifically said Sneezy was. I'm probably over thinking it
CPJ reminds me of the Bear with those inane halftime interview questions. He looks like he is answering a moron and can't wait to leave.
CPJ didn't say Orwin was out for the game but specifically said Sneezy was. I'm probably over thinking it

I think the announcers are picking a random Tech defender name from a bowl whenever Tech D makes a play. Easier than actually doing their homework.
What is this 'by alignment' thing the guy keeps saying? Why the funk didn't we align that way against Miami, MTSU, UGA, Clemson, etc. etc.?
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