Georgis Tech Football Dominance

Yup. How many on this board were even alive in 1956?
Need some pics of the gorgeous girls of Georgis Tech.
Not to be Debbie Downer but... that was before Bear Bryant and others introduced us to the era of "athlete-friendly" curriculums. We know how the rest of this story goes. I honestly believe the best we can hope for in the modern era is a burst of success for a year or two and then a few years to rebuild. NIL and the power-two conferences only made things worse for us.
Not to be Debbie Downer but... that was before Bear Bryant and others introduced us to the era of "athlete-friendly" curriculums. We know how the rest of this story goes. I honestly believe the best we can hope for in the modern era is a burst of success for a year or two and then a few years to rebuild. NIL and the power-two conferences only made things worse for us.
That’s not the complete story but I don’t think I’ll be able to hash is out here. Once integration happened black athletes were dominate. Not saying they weren’t smart but STEM wasn’t exactly valued in those communities or with recruiters of other schools. Argue however you want in that area but the lack of a conference(leaving the SEC) and lack of diverse alumni support(not having a lot non STEM degree options), led to that schism.

In the 40s and 50s not many people went to college. Plus it was the baby boom. You could be middle class with a job screwing on a headlight.
That’s not the complete story but I don’t think I’ll be able to hash is out here. Once integration happened black athletes were dominate. Not saying they weren’t smart but STEM wasn’t exactly valued in those communities or with recruiters of other schools. Argue however you want in that area but the lack of a conference(leaving the SEC) and lack of diverse alumni support(not having a lot non STEM degree options), led to that schism.

In the 40s and 50s not many people went to college. Plus it was the baby boom. You could be middle class with a job screwing on a headlight.
Or simply broadening our curriculum to allow Phys. Ed. majors, etc. That would help in a lot of ways athletically. But the BOR prevented that about a decade ago and so now we have a partnership with G.State to accomplish education majors. Not sure that is allowed for athletes since that would mean taking courses at another school.