Griffin back in the portal

Listen I’ll make it very simple for you since you’re a ööööing idiot maybe this will help:

1) The players are leaving because of the coaching changes.

2) We had to bring in new coaches because it wasn’t working. The coaches we hired seem to be better choices for their jobs than the ones we had.

3) It’s better to bring in better coaches and lose players than to sit with the same coaches and not lose any players.

1) How do you know those players aren't leaving because the wrong coaches stayed?
Final Thought: Griffin’s re-departure means that we have now lost 6 of the top 7 rated players in the 2019 class to the portal including the only consensus 4* and 2 of the top 4 from the 2020 class. Hard to get better if your older players leave. It also hurts that the 3 multi-year transfers we brought in with that 2019 class have all been busts – even though they came from MI, FL and Miami.
These players are getting some bad advice from someone. None of them, probably, will make the NFL. The ones staying will have degrees from GT, some even MBAs. The others will be lucky to qualify to work at Starbucks.

I don't think there is a phrase/concept that has been repeated on this site more than this and I'm not sure the people it applies to take it any more seriously than many of us do a Collins press conference.
These players are getting some bad advice from someone. None of them, probably, will make the NFL. The ones staying will have degrees from GT, some even MBAs. The others will be lucky to qualify to work at Starbucks.
This would carry more weight if most / many / any of the top college football players were actually college students rather than professional / semi-professional football players playing on a football team that is just sponsored by some college.
Oregon State always has a huge stable of RB's. At least the last several years.