GT v. FSU in Ireland 2024

Flying right now. Waterville Wednesday, Tralee Thursday and adare and then Dublin Friday. Victory Saturday and then portmarnock golf Sunday. Life is sooooooo freakin good!!

Go jackets!
Hell yeah brother. Nicely done. I’ve got Royal Dublin Thursday, European Friday, upset Saturday, hangover / Guinness factory Sunday, Island Monday, Portmarnock Tuesday.
Hell yeah brother. Nicely done. I’ve got Royal Dublin Thursday, European Friday, upset Saturday, hangover / Guinness factory Sunday, Island Monday, Portmarnock Tuesday.
The Guinness tour will be a highlight. We did that last time.

Hint: They give you a ticket for one free beer at the rooftop bar. If you ask the bartender, they will often allow you to keep the ticket so you can get another.
The Guinness tour will be a highlight. We did that last time.

Hint: They give you a ticket for one free beer at the rooftop bar. If you ask the bartender, they will often allow you to keep the ticket so you can get another.
do you even 80k bro
No. I’m willing to allow a bartender who wants to do something nice to succeed. It’s only cheating and lying if the other person doesn’t want to do it.
So conspiracy to steal in addition to actual theft. Noted
No. I’m willing to allow a bartender who wants to do something nice to succeed. It’s only cheating and lying if the other person doesn’t want to do it.
I’ve met people in Scotland and they’re genuinely trusting and nice folk. And they like Americans. Even in Edinburgh. I reckon it’s pretty much the same in Ireland, which is another small country with sparse population. I’m pretty sure they just assumed you were a nice old American tourist who just wants to keep his ticket for a souvenir, not for coming back over and over again to milk them for free beer. Do you also go to the food court at the mall and go around eating free samples until you’re full?
Things are better at the hotel. I was starting to get concerned. We were only Tech fans on our bus from Shannon. After stops at 3 other hotels, we finally saw some other Tech folks.
I’ve met people in Scotland and they’re genuinely trusting and nice folk. And they like Americans. Even in Edinburgh. I reckon it’s pretty much the same in Ireland, which is another small country with sparse population. I’m pretty sure they just assumed you were a nice old American tourist who just wants to keep his ticket for a souvenir, not for coming back over and over again to milk them for free beer. Do you also go to the food court at the mall and go around eating free samples until you’re full?
That is untrue. She said she wanted me to keep it so I could get another beer.
Things are better at the hotel. I was starting to get concerned. We were only Tech fans on our bus from Shannon. After stops at 3 other hotels, we finally saw some other Tech folks.
This is gonna turn into Shutter Island very quickly. Does everyone seem a little nervous around you? Anybody who hasn't left your side since you arrived? Watch your back and don't swallow your tongue.