How good is FSU, really?

Even if they aren't overly skilled, they have plenty of talent, so that alone means a bit. Building on top of that, many teams can have talent. Georgia has talent, but Georgia certainly hasn't won as many games as FSU has over the past couple of years (or it's own division for that matter). So FSU has more going for it than just talent. Maybe they aren't the best team, but they are still probably the 2nd or 3rd best team we play this year (with a shot to beat the best team we play this year).

The gagger fans are going ape öööö about this comparison because their conference is much more difficult than the lowly ACC. How dare you compare the two. :nono:
Hahaha, hey, I didn't say one way or the other. I actually agree with you turds that they are a good team. I've also just heard a lot of whining and excuse making from the FSU fan base that made me wonder if they really were on a down year bigger than what was expected after losing the crab man.

so if you agree with us turds, why are you making a thread asking this buzzkill question to a bunch of people still celebrating a much needed victory?
so if you agree with us turds, why are you making a thread asking this buzzkill question to a bunch of people still celebrating a much needed victory?

Because some of us don't ride a roller coaster of emotion with each win or loss and can rationally consider and discuss such things.

You can start another thread rehashing all of the photos and videos if you want. I won't complain.
they're not that great. Will likely get manhandled by Clemson, but it's still a great win.
Because some of us don't ride a roller coaster of emotion with each win or loss and can rationally consider and discuss such things.

You can start another thread rehashing all of the photos and videos if you want. I won't complain.

Yeah GT1992 wanted to discuss the rest of the season too.

And you complain about reposts and why a thread was created in almost every other thread anyway so I'm not buying the "i won't complain".
They were top-10, and if there's one thing STers should know, it's that rankings matter.
Being a Gator obviously I don't care for the criminoles but there have been years when they really looked unbeatable and it just seems like their not really that high caliber team as the media makes them out to be this season, definitely not raining on Tech's parade cause that was an awesome win, but they just don't seem to have that tough a schedule compared to some of the other top 25 teams imo.
Yeah GT1992 wanted to discuss the rest of the season too.

And you complain about reposts and why a thread was created in almost every other thread anyway so I'm not buying the "i won't complain".

GT1992 didn't want to discuss the rest of the season. All he wanted to do was say we shouldn't enjoy this win because we're 3-5 and we've had big wins in the past that no one remembers anyway. He also posted it less than a day after the win and was clearly trying to be a dick about it.

Posting a thread two days after the game wanting to discuss how good the team we just played is isn't even in the same neighborhood. This is like the people who think the word "cheer" is sexist; you need to be really trying to get offended or butthurt by this thread.
GT1992 didn't want to discuss the rest of the season. All he wanted to do was say we shouldn't enjoy this win because we're 3-5 and we've had big wins in the past anyway. He also posted it night-of.

Posting a thread two days after the game wanting to discuss how good the team we just played is isn't even in the same neighborhood. This is like the people who think the word "cheer" is sexist; you need to be really trying to get offended or butthurt by this thread.

I stopped taking you seriously after I noticed that you make one game a year and you won't even show up at the tailgate. So I don't really care about your opinion at this point.
I stopped taking you seriously after I noticed that you make one game a year and you won't even show up at the tailgate. So I don't really care about your opinion at this point.

I don't show up at the tailgate. But it's because I was told you don't wear deodorant. Gross.
Beggars cannot be choosers.

FSU is better than Duke, Carolina, and Pitt. I know that much. Probably about the same as ND.
Really though, some comments on reddit nailed it that FSU has been getting away with wins they shouldn't have for a long time...

You can go back and look at any national title game from any year and both of the teams playing in it, without question, won at least one game that they could have just as easily lost. Unless you're talking about something like Colorado/Mizzou in 1990 or some other egregious officiating error, a win is a win. Twelve of them is a legitimate argument for best team in the nation.
FSU is better than Duke, Carolina, and Pitt. I know that much.

And you know this how?

We beat FSU but lost to all 3 of the teams you list. All 4 actually since you also included ND.
And you know this how?

We beat FSU but lost to all 3 of the teams you list. All 4 actually since you also included ND.

I agree with him, and it's based on having watched them play in more than our games this year. The ND comparison I'd say is a toss-up, though I'd personally take Florida State.
And you know this how?

We beat FSU but lost to all 3 of the teams you list. All 4 actually since you also included ND.

How do you know they're not? Because we beat them but couldn't beat the others so FSU must be terrible?