I'm printing this and mailing to Todd on Monday.
If you're going to do that, let me flush it out all the way. Append this to the end:
6) Politics. The Georgia Board of Regents controls what majors are offered by public universities and what financial support they receive. The GABOR is controlled by UGA. This is due to UGA having a law school and political science offerings and GT having neither as well as UGA having a large network of satellite campuses and GT having just GT-Savannah (literally GT has more international campuses than GA campuses). This is to the point where UGA was given an engineering school despite the public system already having GT and Georgia Southern for that. But when GT tries to broaden the curriculum to something not purely STEM the GABOR shoots it down. This is a problem because....
7) STEM doesn't matter, and education doesn't a whole lot either. Our society really only gives lip service to STEM. When the rubber meets the road we just don't care all that much. GT still takes education seriously and that's a problem in a game that is less and less student athlete and more and more farm league by the day. Most recruits care more about having a laser tag pavilion than they do about a diploma that guarantees them, on average, a million dollar income. Let that horrible truth sink in for a moment. Marinate in it. The truth isn't always pleasant is it?
Now to be clear, I still think GT can compete. But what it takes to compete is:
- An aggressive Stanford-esk endowment push
- Facilities built for the long haul to maximize home field advantage instead of constant patchwork, which again means more capital needed
- A commitment to be willing to pay enough to get a good crack at bat when hiring coaches, and to then have no ceiling (other than contract years) if they demonstrate consistent high level achievement.
- A forward thinking athletic director who doesn't just have the vision for all this but the drive to do it and the ability to articulate that vision in a way that unites a fan base that is much more individualistic and prone to stepping back than most.
- A willingness to fund a LARGE, EXTENSIVE, AND NATIONAL recruiting effort in light of #6 and #7. You HAVE to search nationally to find the people who do care about the diploma AND are high level players. NFL 1st rounders that are ALSO smart enough to see the value in the diploma AND be willing to work for both don't just fall out of trees.
- A buy in of that vision by the university President, which means removing hard rigid rules and replacing them with guidelines. You can keep the spirit of the rule without killing your damn self in the process! Everybody doesn't need calculus. Rewards ($$$$) should be given out though if everybody DOES, with even percentage based rewards. Why not give athletes the ability to take calculus over the summer on a no-credit basis? Or really any hard class they don't have to have for their career path? You get the full class, and a grade, but it doesn't count. Then you know where you stand without sinking your GPA. And that also means the class will be WAY easier for you when you take it and it counts.... when you're preoccupied with football at the same time, rather conveniently.
Notice ... many of my solutions are essentially MORE $$$$$$. Wonder why the GTAA is so in debt? But GT has a wealthy fan base they just have to be won over by a demonstration of achievement and competence go to with an articulated vision. Also GT has some other advantages it can tap into such as it's foreign campuses leading to foreign media markets and foreign fans. There were actually a fair number of local Georgia Tech fans at the GT-UCLA game in China because of GT's Singapore campus and their Shanghai Initiative with SJTU in Shanghai. The sales pitch here needs to be GT is going to be the world leader in STEM focused higher education including online. And we're just going to take over manufacturing the most wealthy people in the world .... engineers. And from that we will derive an enormous piggy bank that will fuel not only the athletic program ... but the academic one as well. It's the Stanford model without any of those pesky social sciences and the degenerates they spawn.