I almost dread the 3 way QB race this summer...

I am tired of people telling me to:

1. Wait until next year
2. We are improving
3. That it is not important to beat UGA or we cannot on a 50% basis.
4. That we cannot get another coach at GT because it is so difficult to coach at
5. One that is now proven wrong - we cannot recruit because of academics

Some of you repeat this mantra over and over. I guarantee I can look at the archives and essentially the same post by Lawbee and others that states these same things is posted over and over.

I don't feel bad wanting a consistent offense that puts points on the board.
I dont feel bad about wanting a coach to have a well prepared backup QB that he does not slam in some way or form.
I don't feel bad about wanting to be in the top 25 with our facilities, history, location and school reputation.
I don't feel bad about wanting to be in the top 25 in recruiting every year with our facilities,history, location and school reputation.
I don't feel bad about thinking we should be able to be UGA 50% of the time.

These are reasonable expectations for our program
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NC, if you were referring to me I will answer. If you weren't, I will answer anyway.

I happen to believe that too many Tech faithful would like to avoid the issue of needing to win our most important game.
I really have no idea who GeeTee is, but my guess is that he is a 40 something like myself that still isn't all that charged up about winning a bevy of acc games without taking care of business here.

Acc football won't be down like it was this year for long, but the dreams that this conference would match the sec in terms of passion will not happen.
Without really passionate games in conference, georgia will stand alone as our most important game.
That is how many "old timers" see it.
pocket_watch said:
NC, if you were referring to me I will answer. If you weren't, I will answer anyway.

I happen to believe that too many Tech faithful would like to avoid the issue of needing to win our most important game.
I really have no idea who GeeTee is, but my guess is that he is a 40 something like myself that still isn't all that charged up about winning a bevy of acc games without taking care of business here.

Acc football won't be down like it was this year for long, but the dreams that this conference would match the sec in terms of passion will not happen.
Without really passionate games in conference, georgia will stand alone as our most important game.
That is how many "old timers" see it.

I agree with that. What I don't get is geetee's need to keep trying to find more and more evidence to support his agenda. Just say we need to be ugag. I agree. But he keeps throwing crap out there that doesn't make any sense or any difference. That's what pisses me off, and I would guess others as well. We all want to beat ugag. Those who don't think it's the single most important game on the schedule are a very small minority. How about we quit hammering on it?
ncjacket said:
How about we quit hammering on it?

Yes, we need to in order to have a functional internet board to come to, and I am all for that.
Although, even when we were winning by 18 on Monday, I was angry for the missed opportunity of this year.
Something has been very wrong and strange about personnel decisions this year, and probably for the last two.
I happen to believe a lot has been out of the Head Coach's control, only because there appears to be no logical explanation.
ncjacket said:
Just say we need to beat ugag. I agree.

true.... its that along with many on this board sugar coating the season and especially Gailey by saying we had a good season. We did not have a good season. To say otherwise is laughable. This continued seasons of not being in the top 25, etc.. have ALWAYS been the case under Gailey. Funny part is that so many want to play the blame game. One year it was Carol Moore, once it was Braine, etc.. Over time, I've heard posters blame the losses on the cleat person (nut bowl), flunkgate, Ball, academics, Gailey being a slow learner, Nix...you name it. To some, advocating change at our head coach position is taboo to say, but he has proved nothing while here. (a coastal title in a down ACC year that he couldn't even win with CJ vs a WF team that played a third string qb, second string rb, and a team we've outrecruited consitently...which just proves how down the league was)

Put the blame at the foot of the person being paid over a million dollars that leads our program. Never beating UGA, as you mentioned, is huge and quite frankly, I don't think he ever will beat them. If not this year when we have a seasoned qb and all world reciever vs them in a down year with a true frosh...then when? The ACC will be get better, UGA will be better....and, I'm not sure what its going to take for the majority of fans to say enough is enough. It took six years for Gailey to have a decent class coming in...and those who for years have defended the case of not banking on stars by a players name and discredit rankings...are suddenly jazzed because we have some players with stars. Is it a certainty they'll pan out? of course not? possibility? of course.

Gailey is like a zebra...stripes never change. five loss seasons, UGA losses, bowl losses, weak year end finishes, and no shows in the top 25 are his stripes. Next year will be the same. Heck, it may even be worse. But, its not Gailey's fault. :rolleyes: Its must be the mediocrity mindset of GT fans.

Oh, and good post, Pocket...
So let me ask you geetee. If we wanted to make a change now, do we even have the money to do it? Gailey has 4 more years on his contract, and then we have to pay a new coach, probably in the $1.5M and up range. Plus I don't know what the contracts the assistants have in place are either. So you think we have that laying around?

That's not Geetee's problem. He is floating around in fantasy land thinking that firing a coach who just went 9-5 and took us to the ACCCG would make GT a plum job. He is also not a real fan. If he was, he would be quiet until there was a real possibility that Chan could be fired. He is just trying to flame enough to make himself feel like he is important. He's not, his miserable outlook tells me that he is unhappy in life and we should feel pity toward him.
Geetee, repeating what you been posting over and over and over and over doesn't answer the question:

Since Gailey WILL BE GT's coach for at least the next two years, what do you hope to accomplish? WHAT GOOD DOES IT DO?

I am sorely disappointed with 5 years of 5 loss seasons and frustrations of UGa. But quite frankly the quickest way to break out of the rut is to maintain continuity of our coaches. Conversely the quickest way to get worse is to change coaches. I'm not saying that no coach could do better, what I am saying is that most coaches would do worse, at least at first and we'd be facing yet another rebuilding job, not to mention taking the GTAA deeper into the red.

But my point is, since you steadfastly refuse to answer the question, that you do not want Chan Gailey to succeed at GT. You want Gailey GONE, no matter how badly it hurt GT football. And I'm sorry, but, that is not the actions of a real Tech fan.

Geetee said:
true.... its that along with many on this board sugar coating the season and especially Gailey by saying we had a good season. We did not have a good season. To say otherwise is laughable. This continued seasons of not being in the top 25, etc.. have ALWAYS been the case under Gailey. Funny part is that so many want to play the blame game. One year it was Carol Moore, once it was Braine, etc.. Over time, I've heard posters blame the losses on the cleat person (nut bowl), flunkgate, Ball, academics, Gailey being a slow learner, Nix...you name it. To some, advocating change at our head coach position is taboo to say, but he has proved nothing while here. (a coastal title in a down ACC year that he couldn't even win with CJ vs a WF team that played a third string qb, second string rb, and a team we've outrecruited consitently...which just proves how down the league was)

Put the blame at the foot of the person being paid over a million dollars that leads our program. Never beating UGA, as you mentioned, is huge and quite frankly, I don't think he ever will beat them. If not this year when we have a seasoned qb and all world reciever vs them in a down year with a true frosh...then when? The ACC will be get better, UGA will be better....and, I'm not sure what its going to take for the majority of fans to say enough is enough. It took six years for Gailey to have a decent class coming in...and those who for years have defended the case of not banking on stars by a players name and discredit rankings...are suddenly jazzed because we have some players with stars. Is it a certainty they'll pan out? of course not? possibility? of course.

Gailey is like a zebra...stripes never change. five loss seasons, UGA losses, bowl losses, weak year end finishes, and no shows in the top 25 are his stripes. Next year will be the same. Heck, it may even be worse. But, its not Gailey's fault. :rolleyes: Its must be the mediocrity mindset of GT fans.

Oh, and good post, Pocket...
And I'm sorry, but, that is not the actions of a real Tech fan.

Making excuses for mediocrity is not the actions of a real tech fan if you ask me.


(and for your prior post should you have missed it..)

Rivals rankings show the following...

06: GT 57 WF 75
05: GT 62 WF 65
04: GT 56 WF 95
03: GT 50 WF 57

GT has been ranked ahead of WF every year for a combined total of 67 spots higher over those four years.
Geetee said:
Making excuses for mediocrity is not the actions of a real tech fan if you ask me.


(and for your prior post should you have missed it..)

Rivals rankings show the following...

06: GT 57 WF 75
05: GT 62 WF 65
04: GT 56 WF 95
03: GT 50 WF 57

GT has been ranked ahead of WF every year for a combined total of 67 spots higher over those four years.

Gee Tee lets see the same comparison for UGA and GT and see who is underperforming the most. You'll be disgusted at Rev Richts underachievement.