I know I’m old fashioned…

They DID show the replay of the face-mask sham, on the jumbotron, and it CLEARLY showed the Vandy player grabbing our man's facemask, not the reverse. That's when the "refs, you suck" chant erupted throughout the stadium. Even a Vandy friend of mine who was there, couldn't offer any explanation other than "karma", but he wouldn't explain what that word was supposed to mean.
If anything it should have been offsetting penalties. The game moved into the surreal with crucial bad officiating all night. Pavia is a punk.
How often do you see the booth guys (one of which is a mutt) AND the "rules expert" go against the call on the field - not once, but twice in a 5 minute span?

These were a bit more egregious than usual.
And the overturning of the catch interference on the punt ended up being a 40 yard or so call. The bogus PI ended up being a 30 yard call. So two blown ref calls gave Vandy AT LEAST 70 yards in 5 minutes. Vandy didn't gain that. Vandy didn't earn that. Vandy illegally plowed our punt returner and the head referee decided, for some damn reason, to pick up the flag. They then gave Vandy a first down on a play where the Vandy QB threw a shit pass, our defender did not push, pull, or grab the defender and they gifted Vandy the PI.
Kirby smirked about the favorable calls, saved the sec the embarrassment of having their crown jewel kicked out of the playoffs. Lea grinned ear to ear, he was gifted a lead that was hard to lose. National media writes articles, no accountability. Beat goes on and nothing will change. The outcome was the desired one, so why would it? We’ll see the hankies come out for our opponents whenever they’re needed until our program becomes one of the favored few and that will not happen for several more years if at all.
Kirby smirked about the favorable calls, saved the sec the embarrassment of having their crown jewel kicked out of the playoffs. Lea grinned ear to ear, he was gifted a lead that was hard to lose. National media writes articles, no accountability. Beat goes on and nothing will change. The outcome was the desired one, so why would it? We’ll see the hankies come out for our opponents whenever they’re needed until our program becomes one of the favored few and that will not happen for several more years if at all.
This is the way.