I Want A Brent Key-esque GT Sleeveless Hooded Sweatshirt


Definitely cuts the sleeves off. Couldn't find this particular hoodie online this morning.
I have a white hoodie I wore last night in the second half that has a "V" cut in the neck that looks like someone may have taken scissors to it. That may be an adidas look.
I just want some decent Adidas gear would be nice to start with
I'm still waiting for simple correct shade of gold, Adidas polo with GT logo on chest. no ridiculous logos, two-tone sleeves, or "only the best for the jackets" logos. who comes up with that stuff and thinks its marketable? I'm really not asking for much. would've thought this would've been in adidas' very first package of apparel.
I actually saw radio hosts wearing it when they did Joe Hamilton interview with 680, but cant find in stores anywhere.