Duke has a better football brand than we do over the last 4-5 years? That's the most hilarious kind of nonsense. What have they done that tops an Orange Bowl win? Does anybody think that their bowl wins over Indiana and Northern Illinois are better for their "brand" than that was for ours? Come on, man. While they certainly have obtained impressive results for what they have, you have to ignore basically everything football related to be under any illusion that what they have is more than what we have. Absolutely nobody who isn't already a Duke fan cares that they turned 6-6 (3-5) into 7 wins at the hands of a MAC also-ran, and the people who are celebrating it as part of their ascendancy are just highlighting what the Duke football "brand" is. It's a historic legacy of uncompetitiveness, marginality, and failure among the worst in the nation that still bother themselves with the pursuit of the sport. They haven't come close to undoing that image, not remotely. The zenith of their football program in living memory is a 9 win season where they didn't play for their conference and lost their bowl game, and everyone knows it.
While we certainly haven't helped ourselves by sitting at home twice in the last four years, it ain't that bad.