Is It Just Me But When I Look At The Talent Level...


Damn Good Rat
Dec 17, 2017
of CPJ's teams during his tenure, most of them do not measure up to the talent he inherited from Gailey i.e....the 2008 & 2009 teams. About the only one that may have been comparable was the 2014 team. I believe Ross, O'Leary, and Gailey recruited better. So.....what is the problem? I believe a lot of it has to do with the offense we run. Most kids seem to go elsewhere unless it comes down to us and Elon.
of CPJ's teams during his tenure, most of them do not measure up to the talent he inherited from Gailey i.e....the 2008 & 2009 teams. About the only one that may have been comparable was the 2014 team. I believe Ross, O'Leary, and Gailey recruited better. So.....what is the problem? I believe a lot of it has to do with the offense we run. Most kids seem to go elsewhere unless it comes down to us and Elon.
What are your thoughts on uniforms? Personally I was unhappy with Russell and think Adidas is an improvement.
of CPJ's teams during his tenure, most of them do not measure up to the talent he inherited from Gailey i.e....the 2008 & 2009 teams. About the only one that may have been comparable was the 2014 team. I believe Ross, O'Leary, and Gailey recruited better. So.....what is the problem? I believe a lot of it has to do with the offense we run. Most kids seem to go elsewhere unless it comes down to us and Elon.
Really? Thank you for your expert opinion on this subject. Now goodbye.
The talent gap is due to the lack of administration support not the offensive scheme. The offensive scheme is designed to deal with the talent deficit. The Hill is focused on expanding their bloated salaries based on bogus academic rankings. Based on recent reports they are apparently very corrupt. They do not care about Georgia Tech or its traditions.
of CPJ's teams during his tenure, most of them do not measure up to the talent he inherited from Gailey i.e....the 2008 & 2009 teams. About the only one that may have been comparable was the 2014 team. I believe Ross, O'Leary, and Gailey recruited better. So.....what is the problem? I believe a lot of it has to do with the offense we run. Most kids seem to go elsewhere unless it comes down to us and Elon.
It's just you. Why don't you eat a sack lunch off my taint?
The talent gap is due to the lack of administration support not the offensive scheme. The offensive scheme is designed to deal with the talent deficit. The Hill is focused on expanding their bloated salaries based on bogus academic rankings. Based on recent reports they are apparently very corrupt. They do not care about Georgia Tech or its traditions.
You forgot about GT admin's focus on padding expense accounts, taking vacations using our money, eating expensive lunches on our money and so on......
You forgot about GT admin's focus on padding expense accounts, taking vacations using our money, eating expensive lunches on our money and so on......
like the fella with the rainbow unicorn ass picture says, fire CPJ and close the football program. we just can't compete. I know the defense held a shutout yesterday as well as tied the fewest yards surrendered in the CPJ era but that's really a defeat for progress. We didn't have any Tight End bubble screens, any wheel routes- with or without upright blocking, our backup punter was completely ignored AND there wasn't a single play action pass like they run in the SEC. This team is an embarrassment to everyone from GoldenIsle, GoldenShower, and Goldenschlagger. EVERYBODY KNOWS going 0-1 is the way to motivate kids for the rest of the season! Winning is expected and boring. You almost lose to App Store State or Nichols State or Nichols Shell and Motor Oil Change and you have motivated your team for the next week to seven days. I don't know about you, GoldenAsile, but WE NEED CHANGE.
You forgot about GT admin's focus on padding expense accounts, taking vacations using our money, eating expensive lunches on our mone y and so on......
I thought I covered that by calling them corrupt. I do not think the president of a private company would have survived this level of pervasive corruption. I suppose the UGA controlled BOR is pleased with his lack of control.
I thought I covered that by calling them corrupt. I do not think the president of a private company would have survived this level of pervasive corruption. I suppose the UGA controlled BOR is pleased with his lack of control.
It takes much, much less at my company to be shown the door.
I thought I covered that by calling them corrupt. I do not think the president of a private company would have survived this level of pervasive corruption. I suppose the UGA controlled BOR is pleased with his lack of control.

GT is a fairly corrupt school just based on the amount of money flowing through it. I don't know why Bud still has a job here. Every couples of years there is another story like this. It's not just admin, it's also the research professors.
of CPJ's teams during his tenure, most of them do not measure up to the talent he inherited from Gailey i.e....the 2008 & 2009 teams. About the only one that may have been comparable was the 2014 team. I believe Ross, O'Leary, and Gailey recruited better. So.....what is the problem? I believe a lot of it has to do with the offense we run. Most kids seem to go elsewhere unless it comes down to us and Elon.

Your dwag is showing.