Is recruiting getting any better?

Now is absolutely not the time to panic. We just hired a former GT Football player as AD. If it is at all possible for us to be great then I expect that will occur.

Frankly, Duke isn't paying for 15 recruiters off their football budget. Duke football feeds off Basketball cash. We absolutely have to have a big time basketball program to complete financially. Dumb decisions turned basketball into a financial liability. We cannot afford that, but basketball isn't hard to turn around.
Your logic board seems to have blown a fuse. When did I ever say that we were more talented than FSU?

If we play FSU 100 times, maybe we win 10.

If we play Vandy 100 times, we probably win 90.

See how that works?

I see what you're trying to say, but FSU would be a dream matchup right now. Rival, conference opponent, big name that carries prestige, elite talent, completely disorganized defense, average QB. It's a shame FSU isn't on the schedule this year to be honest.
I would switch coaches with them.

For 6 god damn years they would've traded their first borns to have gotten CPJ in '08. Now one bad season for us and everybody panics. Hard to believe I'm reading bulletin board material about homecoming coming from our own board rather than the opponent's.
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I wouldn't want Coach Cut. He's a great coach, but we'd go from being a middle of the road option team with a decent occasional upside, to a middle of the road QB factory with no other talent and no decent upside. It would be a return to Gailey, who was a fine coach, but couldn't get to the next level that Johnson has and can.
I wouldn't want Coach Cut. He's a great coach, but we'd go from being a middle of the road option team with a decent occasional upside, to a middle of the road QB factory with no other talent and no decent upside. It would be a return to Gailey, who was a fine coach, but couldn't get to the next level that Johnson has and can.

the question ends of being not whether we will be great or a bit better than average, since a bit better than average is what we have mostly been for the last 20-30 years - with an occasional rise to near greatness

its more about whether you prefer to be getting tackled in the backfield for a loss or whether you would rather see the QB get sacked

What is the best way of measuring recruiting? The # of players that a coach recruited that made it to the NFL?
What is the best way of measuring recruiting? The # of players that a coach recruited that made it to the NFL?

That's what I use, and the last time I looked Johnson has around 2 per year, which is Tech's historical average going back to the mid-90s.

EDIT: I found my post from a while ago. Turns out I was only able to go back to early 2000s as the NFL Draft site only went back that far.

Anyway, here's what I found at the time.

# of NFL draft picks from Tech by year (going back to 2000)

Year - # of NFL draft picks

2000 - 3
2001 - 0
2002 - 2
2003 - 1
2004 - 5
2005 - 0
2006 - 3
2007 - 2
2008 - 2
2009 - 4
2010 - 4
2011 - 1
2012 - 1

13 year average = 2.15/yr

Maybe it's more than just the offense. :cool:

Updated years...

2013 - 0
2014 - 3
2015 - 3
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