Johnson/Option Haters - You are forgiven

The CPJ years are gone. We need to understand that and move on. I am for using any offense or defense that works. What we have now, on both sides, just isn't a good product.
Defense seemed to work pretty well Saturday.
If Collins would of flipped GT and turned us into a top 25 contender, not one person would be "missing" the option. Facts are facts, the option plateaued. Collins comes in, promised this and that.. But, failed to deliver. That is the issue.. It's not about the option, it's about Collins completely failing.
Look, I liked PJ as much as the next man, but damn some of y'all are cult members

Fan is short for fanatic. We've got CPJ followers, CGC followers, and believe it or not we still have CCG followers too. We probably have people right now hoping CBK is the second coming of CGO.
Loved CPJ and the option, but it was time for a change. We picked the wrong man to lead that change, but the football world is littered with successful offenses that aren't run out of the flexbone. This weird false dichotomy of TO or anemia has always been exhausting.
Fan is short for fanatic. We've got CPJ followers, CGC followers, and believe it or not we still have CCG followers too. We probably have people right now hoping CBK is the second coming of CGO.
I still say Chan shouldn't have been fired
May be my last post on Stingtalk, but just wanted to say to the Johnson/Option haters among have paid your pittance and are forgiven. You reap what you sowed and hopefully learned the valuable lesson of jumping on the "fresh new fads". You had to sit and watch offenses that every junior high in America is running (some more effectively), soaking in the irony that you had spent the last few years of the Johnson era thinking the triple option was simplistic. You refused to hear the dread in opposing coaches voices when they talked about playing GT...haven't heard that in the last few years, have you?

All in all , GT fans deserved better, except the ones who didn't appreciate a coach and system that went to multiple Orange Bowls and beat Georgia multiple times.

Best of luck to the Yellow Jackets going forward.
Nobody gives a rats ass about your opinion.
CPJ was “one busted play” away from being over .500 against UGA. And we ran him off.
Oh goodie...let's play the "what if's" because by that logic, Chan would have won a few against UGA had it not been for "one play" or "one call" or some other such silly notion.

Give it a damn rest, people. Paul Johnson left. He retired.
Never beat Georgia. Not a single time.
Started off with Flunkgate right out of the gate

Recruited NFL caliber players, especially defensive, who came into their own around 2008

Recruited Calvin Johnson.

Recruited Demaryus Thomas.

Recruited Jon Dwyer

Finally had a pro style QB headed our way in Sean Renfree, if Josh Nesbitt didn't take the position in camp - we will never know.
C'mon, there are a plethora of topics that could be touched upon at the moment, but not this again.

I am more concerned about the font on our uniforms ... it sucks.
Oh goodie...let's play the "what if's" because by that logic, Chan would have won a few against UGA had it not been for "one play" or "one call" or some other such silly notion.

Give it a damn rest, people. Paul Johnson left. He retired.
My quote was in direct response to what you brought up, asshat. Don’t call me out.