Look who is lucky #7 on the Hot Seat

Someone with connections suggested on another board that 7 years was necessary to get pretty much anyone, including Collins, to take the job. I believe it. It's not something Stansbury would just offer out of generosity.
That does not seem consistent with the expectations expressed by Coach Rice and others in the recent article. The standard five or six year contract would seem to be long enough.
Look, if you played football, or knew anything about it, you would see what a monumental undertaking it is transitioning from the option. The fact is you and your nerd pals don’t get it. T-Stan and his football buds, they get football. That’s why questions about the fans and how they feel are met with condescension by the staff and AD. You just don’t get it. This is the only possible way this could’ve gone and we are being successful. You’ll see.
SUCCESSFUL ??? OMG. If this is success, I sure don't want to see failure. This transition crap is just that....CRAP. Yes, some transition was obviously necessary, but when I saw him dump Tobias Oliver during and after the first game (with Clemson), I knew there was not going to be a "transition"; there was going to be a haymarket turnover, and those never produce the desired result. Collins is simply not a very smart coach.
Someone with connections suggested on another board that 7 years was necessary to get pretty much anyone, including Collins, to take the job. I believe it. It's not something Stansbury would just offer out of generosity.
Dunno. He offered UCF their home game back for 2022 out of generosity. Otherwise why would you reschedule for a year that has Ole Miss also on it and not later down the road? Should’ve cancelled that whole thing.
What's LOL are all these supposed "realists" who think he's here for a while no matter what he does this year.
So you think that if he wins, say, 1-2 games this year, he's gone?
1 win this year he would no doubt be gone. Turmoil would be unreal in that situation, no way we wouldn’t make a move.

Fwiw I think we win 3 or 4
1 win this year he would no doubt be gone. Turmoil would be unreal in that situation, no way we wouldn’t make a move.

Fwiw I think we win 3 or 4
Geoff Collins along with lots of Tech fans in 2018: This place has got “it” so long as the head man has the right vision. Everyone just wait till I have the culture in place.

Geoff Collins pre-season 2021: The culture is in place. It’s so special. Unlike anything I have ever seen.

2021 season: Fart noises

Saturday changed a lot of that 3 or 4 wins benchmarking - just look at the schedule - from the preseason in my opinion.
Someone with connections suggested on another board that 7 years was necessary to get pretty much anyone, including Collins, to take the job. I believe it. It's not something Stansbury would just offer out of generosity.

Your standard 5 year contract with 2 years to flip the roster. Geoff basically shit the bed in his first real game. They all count from this season forward.
Head coach idiot needs to return his pay check to the institute for each loss this season. And for that matter, last season.