Lost ALL respect for Bill Curry this morning.

I still don't understand why the blame seems to fall solely on paterno. Or is that just how the media is making it out?

The blame doesn't fall solely on Joe. Joe is a figurehead of the program, so obviously he will be viewed under a different light. The burden is shared by many more than just Paterno, but that doesn't exonerate him either.
This only sort of relates to Bill Curry, but I just got a huge kick out of finally reading the GSU message boards. They are absolutely convinced that we're shaking in our boots because of their program. Then again, some of them think Paul Johnson is a terrible coach.
I had to quit posting over there. They are delusional as öööö and I am a GSU alumni.
Alumnus - A male who went to said school
Alumna - A female who went to said school
Alumni - Several men who went to said school (can be group of men+women)
Alumnae - Several females who went to said school
To me, the moral standard is: did Paterno do the same thing he would have if it were his grandchild being assaulted? The media focus on him is due to a)his legendary status and b)the fact that the primary perpetrator and cover-ups have already been arrested and charged.

What gives with the graduate assisstant that SAW a 10 year old boy being raped by a naked old man, hid, called his dad, then reported it? If you don't knock the crap out of the old guy in that situation, you are a loser and more than a little complicit in the situation.

Bill Bennett this morning asked a guy who stated that he would have intervened if he intervenes when he sees drug deals on the street....NOT EVEN CLOSE TO THE SAME. How can you see a child being raped, not possibly abused according to personal judgement, RAPED, and NOT directly intervene?

Man, I'm way off topic, but I feel that someone in Paterno's position has to go, "Wow, I wonder how Sandusky isn't in jail, much less still have full access to our facilities and STILL bringing kids around?" If you turn a blind eye to that.....fail....and not in a hip, teenager stealing www lingo kind of way....just plain FAIL @ life!
Nope, that one is "with power comes responsibility". The one I used is from some French play or guy or something. Much more dramatic.

No, the one from the movie was the same as your quote. The original first one in the comic book was "With great power there must also come great responsibility."

I am sure Stan Lee was not the first to express the sentiment, but his version is the quote most people remember.
To me, the moral standard is: did Paterno do the same thing he would have if it were his grandchild being assaulted? The media focus on him is due to a)his legendary status and b)the fact that the primary perpetrator and cover-ups have already been arrested and charged.

What gives with the graduate assisstant that SAW a 10 year old boy being raped by a naked old man, hid, called his dad, then reported it? If you don't knock the crap out of the old guy in that situation, you are a loser and more than a little complicit in the situation.

Bill Bennett this morning asked a guy who stated that he would have intervened if he intervenes when he sees drug deals on the street....NOT EVEN CLOSE TO THE SAME. How can you see a child being raped, not possibly abused according to personal judgement, RAPED, and NOT directly intervene?

Man, I'm way off topic, but I feel that someone in Paterno's position has to go, "Wow, I wonder how Sandusky isn't in jail, much less still have full access to our facilities and STILL bringing kids around?" If you turn a blind eye to that.....fail....and not in a hip, teenager stealing www lingo kind of way....just plain FAIL @ life!
Pretty damn good post.

And if Bennett actually said that, he's a disgusting öööötard. How can you even compare the rape of a child to drug dealing?
To me, the moral standard is: did Paterno do the same thing he would have if it were his grandchild being assaulted? The media focus on him is due to a)his legendary status and b)the fact that the primary perpetrator and cover-ups have already been arrested and charged.

What gives with the graduate assisstant that SAW a 10 year old boy being raped by a naked old man, hid, called his dad, then reported it? If you don't knock the crap out of the old guy in that situation, you are a loser and more than a little complicit in the situation.

Bill Bennett this morning asked a guy who stated that he would have intervened if he intervenes when he sees drug deals on the street....NOT EVEN CLOSE TO THE SAME. How can you see a child being raped, not possibly abused according to personal judgement, RAPED, and NOT directly intervene?

Man, I'm way off topic, but I feel that someone in Paterno's position has to go, "Wow, I wonder how Sandusky isn't in jail, much less still have full access to our facilities and STILL bringing kids around?" If you turn a blind eye to that.....fail....and not in a hip, teenager stealing www lingo kind of way....just plain FAIL @ life!

But, as far as we know, he didn't SEE anything. The GA did, and he wasn't specific about what went down when he spoke to JoePa (per the Grand Jury report). Then, JoePa told his superiors what had been reported to him - it is then up to the AD and the Prez to have the matter investigated. They did not do so.

Beyond that, everything else being discussed on this board and everywhere else is pure speculation. Until this thing is played out in the courts and wherever else, it is all speculation. Period. End of story.
The GA did, and he wasn't specific about what went down when he spoke to JoePa (per the Grand Jury report).

Paterno has been contradictory in saying what the GA did or did not say to him. I've said a million times that I can't imagine someone seeing a child sodomized and reporting it as "I saw Sandusky doing something."
But, as far as we know, he didn't SEE anything. The GA did, and he wasn't specific about what went down when he spoke to JoePa (per the Grand Jury report). Then, JoePa told his superiors what had been reported to him - it is then up to the AD and the Prez to have the matter investigated. They did not do so.

Beyond that, everything else being discussed on this board and everywhere else is pure speculation. Until this thing is played out in the courts and wherever else, it is all speculation. Period. End of story.

Yeah, the report seemed to indicate that the GA did a little bit of story-changing in repeated disclosures. I attribute that largely to being embarassed about his failure to properly intervene. I admit that I'm somewhat harder on Paterno because the university fired him instead of allowing him to resign. This seems to be the method of departure that could be most expensive, UNLESS there is more to the story. And, even if they had been wanting him gone, as appears obvious, why FIRE a guy that has MADE your program?
Pretty damn good post.

And if Bennett actually said that, he's a disgusting öööötard. How can you even compare the rape of a child to drug dealing?

I heard Bennett this morning talking about why the GA didn't intervene, but I didn't hear him ask about intervening with drug dealing. Could have missed it, I guess.