Louisville and Petrino playing dirty?

Football is a game of war. Espionage is part of war.
they're very likely playing dirty, but surely it wouldn't be wasted on Wake Forest.
Did they over at wake seriously wonder how they could have lost to Lousiville and decided to come up with this?
Wait... Louisville stole Wake Forest's game plan and was still losing to the Deacs in the 4th quarter?
So the night BEFORE the game wfu found some of their documents where they say they should not have been.
- and wfu said nothing about it
- and somebody at wfu was careless with their own documents.

Yeah, this is really a UoL problem
Wait... Louisville stole Wake Forest's game plan and was still losing to the Deacs in the 4th quarter?

Foolproof plan:

1) Write a god-awful game plan that includes things like 'drop 10 into coverage against Lamar Jackson' and 'intentionally try to get 12 men on the field without the ref seeing it' as well as '5 wide OL screen pass, too big to stop'
2) Leave it conspicuously where an unscrupulous Louisville coach will find it
3) Louisville coach reads it, shares it with other coaches, players, they have a laugh
4) Everyone gets drunk and high because they are going to roll against your awful plan
5) That is not what you do at all
6) Now either you win because they are playing hung over or you bitch that they 'stole' your 'gameplan', and somehow this is also winning

Foolproof plan:

1) Write a god-awful game plan that includes things like 'drop 10 into coverage against Lamar Jackson' and 'intentionally try to get 12 men on the field without the ref seeing it' as well as '5 wide OL screen pass, too big to stop'
2) Leave it conspicuously where an unscrupulous Louisville coach will find it
3) Louisville coach reads it, shares it with other coaches, players, they have a laugh
4) Everyone gets drunk and high because they are going to roll against your awful plan
5) That is not what you do at all
6) Now either you win because they are playing hung over or you bitch that they 'stole' your 'gameplan', and somehow this is also winning


So Louisville had the WF game plan, but decided to sandbag the entire first half just to make it look like the didn't know how to play them?
Look, whatever Petrino says, you can take it to the bank as the truth; the guy is a modern day Abe Lincoln.
You know WF was up in the 4th quarter of this game, right?

So Louisville decided to hold back from cheating until the 4th quarter?

"It's 4th quarter and they're still beating us! Let's open up that file we stole from the demon deacons, otherwise we will surely face defeat and humiliation.."