Louisville and Petrino playing dirty?

I would love this to be true and a legitimate part of game planning.

GT's student body could actually contribute to the team, with half of the CS department playing defense and the other half playing offense.

Set aside 20% of the task force to make a fake game plan and leave it in an unlocked car by the GTAA.
I doubt anything will come of this from the NCAA, but Tommy Elrod's football career is over. Then again, Atlanta sports talk radio would probably give him a job.
Set aside 20% of the task force to make a fake game plan and leave it in an unlocked car by the GTAA.

The plan would be taken for sure, but the other team might have to shell out a few bucks to the downtown native hawking it
It's probably not sound, but if there's not a hard fast "don't use stolen game plans" rule you *could* make an argument the "you can't live scout opposing teams" rule encompasses using stolen goods in preparation for your game.


I agree with SI. The ACC must do something against Louisville. If there's hard evidence against any of the other schools, blast them, too. Otherwise, Louisville was the only one caught red-handed. I hope the ACC drops a thermonuclear bomb on them. The conference can't let this slide because - HAHA! It's only Wake.
Foolproof plan:

1) Write a god-awful game plan that includes things like 'drop 10 into coverage against Lamar Jackson' and 'intentionally try to get 12 men on the field without the ref seeing it' as well as '5 wide OL screen pass, too big to stop'
2) Leave it conspicuously where an unscrupulous Louisville coach will find it
3) Louisville coach reads it, shares it with other coaches, players, they have a laugh
4) Everyone gets drunk and high because they are going to roll against your awful plan
5) That is not what you do at all
6) Now either you win because they are playing hung over or you bitch that they 'stole' your 'gameplan', and somehow this is also winning


I doubt anything will come of this from the NCAA, but Tommy Elrod's football career is over. Then again, Atlanta sports talk radio would probably give him a job.
I'm pretty sure that's also been Petrino's ultimate fallback plan as well, but people keep giving the man coaching jobs and he's not going to turn them down. Still, once he finally kills a walk-on kicker with his bare hands under the guise of a film session at the age of 80, we'll get to listen to him stare creepily at the microphone while his co-host The Ghost of Steak Shapiro interrupts periodically to make a sound like pained laughter and a first attempt at speaking a new language.

And I dunno about the NCAA passing up any opportunity to flex its sanction muscle. This type of cheating isn't something most people hear about going on, to the point that it sounds silly. The NCAA can make it seem much less so by giving Louisville and whoever else in our dumbass conference participated in this a firm kick, square in the institutional testicles.
Brian Kelly killed a kid once and he got a vote of confidence after losing 8 games this season. Kids don't mean squat.
Brian Kelly killed a kid once and he got a vote of confidence after losing 8 games this season. Kids don't mean squat.
Well, in this scenario the walk-on kicker is black and transgender and his murder is the final straw before the start of Civil War II. I didn't mention it because this is the football board, not the [REDACTED].
I imagine that the only thing that would get Petrino fired once and for all is for him to come out in support of the President-elect.
At first, I was pissed at what Kirby had done, but now, I'm not even mad.

After thinking it through, it's even better than "we won in spite of you cheating" - because the dwag DBs following JT on the play actually created the opening for Qua to run through - we won because of you cheating.