Louisville and Petrino playing dirty?

3 seasons... Is there really no one who would report someone who is trying to give them another team's gameplan? Integrity? I think the NCAA should do an investigation and punish every team that took game plans

And yes I say this mainly because we haven't played Wake lately

I completely agree. This is just the tip of the iceberg on this story. Whatever schools bought the game plans and that can be proven, need severe penalties by the NCAA. What sucks is that this happened in the ACC and if the NCAA has any decency about its position to guard the integrity of college sports, then whatever ACC schools purchased this information should get wacked badly and people should lose their jobs. This could hurt the conference badly. I guess we will see.
Why don't you shut the öööö up? Nobody gives a flying öööö about your opinion.
I'm like EF Hutton. When I post, people read it. You're like Bill Maher... no one gives a shit and they've heard you a thousand times already. Go be useful and plan another Stingtalk tailgate.
I'm like EF Hutton. When I post, people read it. You're like Bill Maher... no one gives a öööö and they've heard you a thousand times already. Go be useful and plan another Stingtalk tailgate.

Real Time is a pretty popular show on HBO and EF Hutton has been dead for quite a while.
I completely agree. This is just the tip of the iceberg on this story. Whatever schools bought the game plans and that can be proven, need severe penalties by the NCAA. What sucks is that this happened in the ACC and if the NCAA has any decency about its position to guard the integrity of college sports, then whatever ACC schools purchased this information should get wacked badly and people should lose their jobs. This could hurt the conference badly. I guess we will see.

Is this actually against the rules anywhere? I dont know either way, but if there are no rules to this affect then the NCAA can't do anything.

I remember PJ telling a story where he heard the opposing team's headsets. He was under no rules to tell anyone, and he took advantage as long as he could...
Is this actually against the rules anywhere? I dont know either way, but if there are no rules to this affect then the NCAA can't do anything.

I remember PJ telling a story where he heard the opposing team's headsets. He was under no rules to tell anyone, and he took advantage as long as he could...

It's probably not sound, but if there's not a hard fast "don't use stolen game plans" rule you *could* make an argument the "you can't live scout opposing teams" rule encompasses using stolen goods in preparation for your game.


I agree with SI. The ACC must do something against Louisville. If there's hard evidence against any of the other schools, blast them, too. Otherwise, Louisville was the only one caught red-handed. I hope the ACC drops a thermonuclear bomb on them. The conference can't let this slide because - HAHA! It's only Wake.
Hadn't seen this posted yet, but CPJ had an interesting take on this budding scandal:


Georgia Tech coach Paul Johnson did not express surprise at the Wake Forest leak scandal that made news Tuesday. Wake Forest announced that the Demon Deacons radio analyst Tommy Elrod, a former Wake Forest player and coach, had been sharing game-plan information with several opponents going back to 2014.

“I think anybody who’s been in coaching for any amount of time has been skunked before somewhere,” Johnson said.

Johnson said that he believed it happened to Navy when he coached the Midshipmen at the 2003 Houston Bowl against Texas Tech.

“We had a couple plays that we hadn’t run all year and when we lined up, they went and started checking to ’em,” he said.

Johnson said that he was sure that high-school coaches who had attended Navy’s on-site practices brought the information on the plays to Texas Tech, then coached by Mike Leach. Navy lost 38-14.

“That’s why you have to be careful with all that stuff,” he said.

Reminds me of the FSU game in Tallahassee in '09 - you can't tell me Bowden didn't have that trips formation scouted beforehand.

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It's probably not sound, but if there's not a hard fast "don't use stolen game plans" rule you *could* make an argument the "you can't live scout opposing teams" rule encompasses using stolen goods in preparation for your game.


I agree with SI. The ACC must do something against Louisville. If there's hard evidence against any of the other schools, blast them, too. Otherwise, Louisville was the only one caught red-handed. I hope the ACC drops a thermonuclear bomb on them. The conference can't let this slide because - HAHA! It's only Wake.

A Wake Forest employee has access to materials and then shares those materials with another team. That is not stealing. It's not even cheating. This isn't a "major scandal" as Michael Rosenberg claims. It's really just a Wake Forest issue.
A Wake Forest employee has access to materials and then shares those materials with another team. That is not stealing. It's not even cheating. This isn't a "major scandal" as Michael Rosenberg claims. It's really just a Wake Forest issue.

Why then is there an NCAA rule against live scouting of practices and games? It is cheating. It's an integrity of the game issue impacting the entire conference.

So, no, it's not just a Wake issue.
Please let Duke and UNC be in on this. The little girl would drop the hammer on Duke while gazing harshly in UNC's general direction.
It's probably not sound, but if there's not a hard fast "don't use stolen game plans" rule you *could* make an argument the "you can't live scout opposing teams" rule encompasses using stolen goods in preparation for your game.


I agree with SI. The ACC must do something against Louisville. If there's hard evidence against any of the other schools, blast them, too. Otherwise, Louisville was the only one caught red-handed. I hope the ACC drops a thermonuclear bomb on them. The conference can't let this slide because - HAHA! It's only Wake.

All it takes is for someone to trace contact between the dude and a random Clemson or FSU staffer and then you have an issue that the program did not report the transgression even if complicity was not established
It's possible that the game plans were just conveniently left in the opponents' locker room or coaching box without being handed over in person. If it happened once, the opposing coaches might think it was a mistake. Since it happened over a few years, the receiving teams should have been suspicious, but probably suspected someone from their own organization and kept quiet about it. They might have even been skeptical that that it was legitimate, and maybe someone from WF was planting fake plans.
Louisville cheated when a Wake Forest employee approached Louisville staff with the Wake game plan?

Yes? If you want to argue that what Louisville or any other ACC school did really didn't compromise the integrity of their games, fine. Go for it. We'll just disagree and go from there.

This line of debate or questioning is really silly though, imo. One can be a passive participate and still break the rules. There shouldn't have to be a black and white rule against this to bring down some sort of punishment to people or teams. This was highly premeditated and took some level of coordination (as it's been reported thus far) beyond just someone being idiotically careless within Wake's program.

And it's that premeditation and coordination that has me tuned up. This isn't a runner on second stealing signs from the catcher or Miami figuring out our hand signals on the fly because we used like 6 of them - one for each of our plays or something.
All it takes is for someone to trace contact between the dude and a random Clemson or FSU staffer and then you have an issue that the program did not report the transgression even if complicity was not established
And they say they have phone and email records. So, that shouldn't be a problem. They've already identified the Louisville staff member with ties to Elrod. Looking at a list of their losses for the last three years:

Undefeated against WFU:
F$U (but a narrow 2016 win)
Clemp's Son (2016 was after the news broke)
ULM (2014 opener)
Utah State (2014 game #2)
Army (2016)
Notre Dame (2015)

Doing it wrong (wins in some years):
Duke (2016 loss)
Syracuse (2016 loss)
Indiana (2016 loss)
BC (2015 loss)

My money is on Louisville, F$U, NC State, and Notre Dame.