Miami Duke game

I don't think that ball broke the plane.. man what a fix by the officials. A hundred dicey PI calls and a premature TD call.
This has been a pretty good football game -hell-uv-a comeback by Duke.

Miami -24 penalties for 219 yards ...U gonna U
Duke got 193 yards off of 23 penalties by Miami. Insane.

Hopefully this loss by the U breaks what little heart they have left and allows us that elusive 4th win...
3 calls plus a TD that I don't think ever happened. "The ruling on the field stands". Are you kidding me? The only camera was in the back corner of the end zone on a game winning play from the two yard line, really? You know they had a camera at the goal, and you know they pretend they didn't because it just might have shown Duke short and Miami would have won.

I hate the ACC. Swofford is getting what he has worked so hard for all these years - Duke and UNC atop the division and one of them headed to Charlotte. I absolutely hate this cheating, provincial conference. Big 12, Big 10 - have you got any room?
I have never in my life actually witnessed the infinite pitches play actually work. I hope that stands
Typical. What a fix... none of those blocks looked in the back. Pretty weak
And even then, the U wins!!!!!!!! Except, they will have every camera angle in the world to check out every lateral and will reverse the call.

Wait just a minute - a late flag no one saw during the play. A block in the back. Great call. Duke wins. Duke and UNC are just superior programs to the rest of us. Congratulations! You really have earned everything that has come your way.
Not a single flag on the field, yet there's a penalty somehow... Who knows. It looks like they have only 3 camera angles somehow
Wait, seriously? Is this happening?

Swofford with an emergency ring to the officials
"Never a knee down, uh, correction, it's still under review." Let's form a conference with the 10 teams in the ACC minus the North Carolina schools. Please.
3 weeks in a row of ridiculous, ridiculous end of game scenarios. Who even knew you could review a block in the back??

Miami doing backflips on the field