Miami figured out the no huddle signals

This kind of reminds me of the dwags a few years back when USCe (I think?) figured out that if the QB's feet were squared up in the shotgun it was a pass play, and if they weren't it was a run play. I don't like it when Georgia Tech reminds me of UGA.
I don't feel the need to explain myself to you. So if you're going to be a holier than thou douche because you go to a couple more games than me a year, have at it hoss.

We really are trying to play checkers during a chess match.

He needs to make the signals more complicated while he's at it. The assistant only used one signal per play and I only saw about 5 different signals used all game - probably one for each play.

Lord knows it might not be a good idea to complicate things any more than they already are. I am sure you are aware of how well we screw up the simplest of things in football, so complicating it in the slightest might not be the best advice.

What I would suggest is like how they give signs in baseball using indicators. Use a nose touch or a clap or a hat wiggle and then anything that follows is the play. Have a few different indicators so you always keep the other team honest and don't stop when you send the play so they won't be able to catch on easily. Hell, sometimes start doing all sorts of stuff and run the same play as before.
Didn't watch the game either, huh?

I mean, I was there, but at guess I'm just a little foggy. If they had our calls on every play, then our offense should be a freaking juggernaut because we still moved the ball up and down the field.

Edit: is this entirely a troll thread that I bought into hard?
What is the signal for miss block on blindside and fumble for score? Is it the same signal as the 2nd fumble for a score, or should I just email/snapchat Manny Diaz personally?
we moved the ball all day, I doubt they figured out our signals
I mean, I was there, but at guess I'm just a little foggy. If they had our calls on every play, then our offense should be a freaking juggernaut because we still moved the ball up and down the field.

That's about what it means.

We only really stopped ourselves vs Miami. Even Richt admitted if it weren't for the two gifts, they'd "still be playing."

I mean, taken in context, in 2014 we dropped 2 in a row to UNC and Duke around the same time of year and still did really good by the end of the season. Although the 2nd half of the season is mostly away games, it does get noticeably easier outside of UGA, SOS wise.

I think we'll be alright.
PJ is a genius. There is no way he'd allow his signals to get stolen or admit to it unless he had something sinister in mind. There is no way he is that stupid. Delete this post in one hour and get ready to curb stomp Pittsburgh.
You just going to avoid the accusation? You bummed a ticket off someone instead of buying one from the AA? Doesn't sound like a true fan thing to do.

Wrong thread, Captain Butthurt.