we are so unimaginative and stupid on both O and D its hard to hear these repetitive stories over and over and over
lets see. Clemson stole signals in 2013 IIRC on D?
Miami this year on O.
Can't block in 2015. Can't block in 2016. Dont know who to block repetitively.
Can't play D, too soft in 2014, 15 and 16. (comments made by Paul himself, not playing up, not playing aggressive enough. In all three years he said this)
No staff changes
Nothing seems to be fixed
Well, our coach has been doing it 25 years. You know what you dumb arse. There are many coaches WHO SUCK AT COACHING who have been doing it for 25 years dude. Is this a f----in shocker to you? That you could have a few coaches, that suck at what they do, even if they have been doing it a while.
Jesus paul, there is a reason why you have Urban Meyers and Bill Belichiks of the world and Bill Lewis. Unreal.
The list goes on and on with our inept play and the repetitiveness of it; with little to no changes behind it.
I get it. His offense is unique. Hard to find a OL coach who knows WTF is going on without stealing from his friends and the academies. BUT HE OWES IT TO TECH to put the best product on the field and that MEANS STEALING. Wake the F up. Fix this problem
Go get a better OL coach. Go get a better DC if you need to. But stop complaining about both publicly without fixing it. Our players ARE NOT THIS BAD