Minimum # of wins to renew season tickets

How many wins for you to renew

  • 0 - I'll show up and cheer no matter what

  • 1 - I need at least one good memory a year

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • 6

  • 7

  • 8

  • Eff this, I'm done with GT football no matter how good they are

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Didn't renew this year for the first time in over a decade, and won't until The Hill chooses to field the same type of athletes that our opponents field. Better things to do than cheer for self-inflicted futility, lol. Insert bigcrymindriteblahfunkingblah
Your opinion is now irrelevant
We beat GaSo, Duke and UVA...everything else would be an upset at this point. 6-6, back where we belong...FML