More Gold standard

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I wonder where most GTRI people went to school

and the racism begins

A lot of GTRI people went to school elsewhere, especially for undergrad (undergrad being where you really form your attachment to school traditions - grad school just isn't the same experience).

Regarding international students, I'm just playing the odds. Is it racist if it's true? Obviously some international students care about sports, but a whole bunch of them can also be found anywhere but the stadium on game day. (Same could be said of the general American nerd population, but not in the same proportions, I'd wager.)

Like I said, make folks show that they can sing the song before counting their opinion. :-)

Everyone should start filling this out and sending it to the petition email address:

Changing songs and mascots have always come at the low watermarks of our storied traditions. I recall, in horror, I think some idiot down at TECH hired Ron Hudspeth or some discredited ex AJC writer, drunk,to be the PR czar and the idiot actually tried to change the name from Yellow Jackets to RamblingWrecks. Also wanted to change the fight song. Poor guy was obviously a drunk and it all went over like a lead balloon but who was the goombah at TECH that hired him?
It's good that you brought that up. Isn't the name yellow jackets insensitive to our asian students who make up 25% of the student population?
And don't tell anyone we have 14 notes borrowed from Dixieland in the Up with White and Gold.
A lot of GTRI people went to school elsewhere, especially for undergrad (undergrad being where you really form your attachment to school traditions - grad school just isn't the same experience).

A lot? Not really and that's a weasel word anyways because as soon as I proved you wrong you'd just say "we'll it's a lot to me". You'll notice I said "most" which has a strict technical definition.

Regarding international students, I'm just playing the odds.

Otherwise know as racial stereotyping....
diseqc the sjw

I just see a whole bunch of "no true scotsman" in this thread.

"oh well the people signing this aren't true GT people, I mean look at their names and what department of GT they are associated with"


and it's mostly from old people who couldn't get into GT nowadays anywaystroll
A lot? Not really and that's a weasel word anyways because as soon as I proved you wrong you'd just say "we'll it's a lot to me". You'll notice I said "most" which has a strict technical definition.

Here's a sample - of the 8 GTRI researchers on my hall (including myself), 2 of them (including me) have an undergrad degree from GT, and one of those 2 started at another school and transferred to GT late in undergrad.

Working at GTRI doesn't mean you went to GT, especially for undergrad.

Seems like this sort of change should be put in front of a wider population, maybe weighted for "what's it to you?" Current undergrads get the highest weight, then alumni, then faculty/staff. There's a U[sic]GA grad on my hall at GTRI - do we really want that person's opinion factoring into changing our song?

Here's a sample - of the 8 GTRI researchers on my hall (including myself), 2 of them (including me) have an undergrad degree from GT, and one of those 2 started at another school and transferred to GT late in undergrad.

Working at GTRI doesn't mean you went to GT, especially for undergrad.


nice anecdote!
I'm not gonna say that they're not a part of GT but I'd be willing to bet that less than 10% of those people go to any GT sporting events.
Closer to real info than anything you've brought to the table.


There's a guy I know is a gt alum and works at GTRI. He also goes to all the games.

Therefore 100% of the people I've referenced fit my argument and I will extrapolate that out to the whole organization.

Cause that's how anecdotal evidence works right?