I debated if I should open this can of worms, but here goes. We are getting totally new uniforms for the 2011 season.
Now, can I post pictures, hell no! Have I seen the unis, yes. Will I answer questions or give hints about colors, style, etc, hell no. If the "powers that be" give me premission to post I will, but I doubt it.
I know some will say I am full of BS or what good is a post like this without any pics? As a die-hard fan, I was a bit suprised we will be changing our unis for the third straight year. But I really like how they look and I think the majority of Tech fans will agree.
Ok, go ahead debate what shade of gold we are using, or start bashing Russell, or say I don't know jack.
Write it down boys, we are getting new uniforms this year.
GO JACKETS, Bust their A##!!!!