New Helmet!

I have nothing new, substantive, interesting, or material to add to the discussion.....but that seems to be a running theme in this thread, so +1 on the post count.
They aren't done yet.... they aren't done yet... what does that mean? Does it mean there will be other helmets, a new helmet each game, some other weird element will be added to the helmet? Will it be a GT or a block T or a Buzz logo or a stinger or antennae or little ramblin wreck cars with cheerleaders on em? And what colors will these things be? And what shades of those colors? You don't think he means we are bringing back the Super-Awesome-Tunnel and/or the Big Deflated Inflatable Buzz????!!!!
:rotfl: I was just trying to pile on. I guess it was too obtuse. Typically someone says something ridiculous (but they mean it seriously) and then someone bashes them for saying it. You made a joke out the first part, I was trying to fill in the second. :rolleyes:

Sorry mang, not buying that. Doesn't matter in the least, but I'm not buying it. :cool: