New Helmet!

Yikes, GTL has a point, it looks like a golf ball...

It resembles a golf ball pattern more than chicken wire.

Compared to the flat black ones, these suck. Pretty disappointed with the look honestly. Don't think any additions could really change my mind unless they go with the triple stripe down the middle (obviously not happening) and it pretty much mimics the '06 uva game with a honeycomb addition. Again, i thought the ones posted 2 weeks ago were the best one's i've ever seen.

My only hope is that they are putting these out there and we come out in them in warm ups and then we come out with the flat black ones afterward.

I don't remember where it was said, but it might have been that original article from June where they said we'd come out in warmups in one uni and then come out afterward in a different one.
From the AJC comments-
Jacket Man
August 29th, 2012
2:08 pm

You ought to see the rest of the uniform before you pass judgement, including the finished helmet (notice no face mask or GA Tech indicator). I can assure you it’s not Oregon, Maryland, or UGA from their 1st game last season…
Believe many Tech grads just turned over in their graves. Something about Tech and tradition just seems right. This new headgear just seems wrong.

That being said, if it sparks the young men to rise up and knock the stuffing out of Va. Tech on Monday, it maybe a good thing. Would just not desire to see it worn too many times.
Can you crop that picture? Good God man, that dude is like a Sandusky in training. I'm going to have nightmares.