New Helmet!


Is there honey in there? :wink:

Thread momentarily derailed. Mission accomplished
Let's be very thorough in our discussion of which insects do and don't make honey. Anything less than 50 posts on that subtopic is insufficient.

wikipedia said:
Yellow jacket is the common name in North America for predatory wasps of the genera Vespula and Dolichovespula.

Yellow jackets, often mistaken for bees as they are similar in size and appearance and both sting, are actually wasps.

Dolichovespula species (for example, the aerial yellow jacket, Dolichovespula arenaria, and the bald-faced hornet, Dolichovespula maculata) tend to create exposed aerial nests (a feature shared with true hornets, which has led to some confusion as to the use of the name "hornet").
Vespula species, in contrast, build concealed nests, usually underground.
Yellow jacket nests usually last for only one season, dying off in winter. The nest is started by a single queen, called the "foundress". Typically, a nest can reach the size of a basketball by the end of a season. In parts of Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands, and southwestern coastal areas of the United States, the winters are mild enough to allow nest overwintering. Nests that survive multiple seasons become massive and often possess multiple egg-laying queens.[3][4]

I threw the "BEE" thing in there b/c I get that a lot from my Northern Family. i.e. I like GT, but what's with the Bee?
cajun, you broke rule number 3 or 4 of fight clu... football forum. Also, Grohmosexual is a term we should use more.
I heard a rumor that after the game, helmets will be turned into quaint little lamps and distributed to the most upbeat posters on The Hive.
Pretty sure they are real. Just talked to my friend on the team and he said they did get these helmets, but no uniforms yet. My guess is they just have the helmets so they can get the sizing and such right for now. Who knows though, maybe he is feeding me a line too, but I doubt it.
Pretty sure they are real. Just talked to my friend on the team and he said they did get these helmets, but no uniforms yet. My guess is they just have the helmets so they can get the sizing and such right for now. Who knows though, maybe he is feeding me a line too, but I doubt it.

First post... Welcome! I'll go easy on you this time. :biggthumpup:

I agree with you. I bet they've been shown just the helmets, and they may not even be complete yet (fingers crossed for a GT logo). I doubt they'll see the complete unis until Monday. :turbonoes:
I still see it, but I saved a personal copy as soon as I opened the thread anyways.
Also, I just noticed he took down the picture. Thought the players would want to keep it secret in the first place.

These are young kids. If you got your new, snappy uniforms wouldn't you want to twitter it to the whole world?
You know 15 minutes I have managed to change my opinion 100%, a full 180.

The helmet is white and gold, and the design is somewhat understated and not garish. As a rarely used alternate.........I like it.
Also, I just noticed he took down the picture. Thought the players would want to keep it secret in the first place.

There's always one guy who has no concept of discretion. Synjyn is that guy this year and that lack of discretion the exact reason he won't be our starting quarterback.