Official Friday Night Games Thread Episode 5: The Bourne Cougspiracy

Bare Ass 500 rings a faint bell but I can't recall...

Nostalgia is kicking in full steam, now. Midnight street luge down the Hill was good times...
Basically, pushing off from a door frame and seeing how far your bare ass could slide on a soaped up tile hall.

Sledding down the icy Hill on a stolen 4x8 sheet of laminated plywood (contractor sign from stadium renovation) during the blizzard of ‘93 was good times.
Basically, pushing off from a door frame and seeing how far your bare ass could slide on a soaped up tile hall.

Sledding down the icy Hill on a stolen 4x8 sheet of laminated plywood (contractor sign from stadium renovation) during the blizzard of ‘93 was good times.
I was freezing my ass off in Dalton, Ga on Co-op that quarter, but hey good times!
ACC Friday Night Magic then descended upon the stadium. The referees, normally hollow and inanimate things, sprang from their mossy fieldside beds in the shade -- the glow of a thousand bad calls swirling jovially in their eyes; their forms danced and flitted in the sparking and the lilting of the fae light that ensconced them betwixt two worlds. The midnight ritual had begun anew, as it always did, as if at the dawn of time. All the rapt participants eagerly awaited the knowledge of what things would come to be, what things could come to be, and, as always, they were greeted by the nymph song of ESPN. It called out to them in long and holy tones, but two words, "the worst."
It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.
Basically, pushing off from a door frame and seeing how far your bare ass could slide on a soaped up tile hall.

Sledding down the icy Hill on a stolen 4x8 sheet of laminated plywood (contractor sign from stadium renovation) during the blizzard of ‘93 was good times.
Oh, you old.